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V2: Tvůrčí pobyt pro umělce a umělkyně z oblasti médií

Rotterdam, Holandsko
Institut for Unstable Media V2 je víceoborové centrum pro umění a technologie. Aktivity V2 zahrnují organizaci prezentací, výstav, workshopů, výzkum a vývoj uměleckých děl v media labu, distribuci uměleckých děl prostřednictvím vlastní agentury, publikační činnost v oblasti umění a media technologií a rozvoj online archivu.  Výzva pro účast na třetí Summer Session 2011  je určena nadějným umělcům na počátku kariéry. V rámci šestitýenního rezidenčního pobytu budou mít vybraní účastníci možnost spolupracovat s vývojáři V2 lab. V průběhu rezidence vypracují projekt od konceptu až po prezentovatelný prototyp. Jako přihlášky jsou přijímány videoprezentace, ve kterých uchazeči vysvětlí svůj projekt, očekávanou podporu labu a důvody proč se chtějí programu účastnit. Uzávěrka pro předkládání projektů je 31. března 2011.     

Summer Sessions 2011
Call for proposals. We are looking for art projects that fit one of the Lab’s three areas of focus. Each proposal should be conceptually sound and outline a concrete, realistic plan. Your plan must be submitted as a video. Deadline for submissions: March 31.

Summer Sessions 2011

V2_’s Summer Sessions are brief themed residencies that allow promising young artists to collaborate with V2_Lab developers. Each selected artist participates in an intense six-week working period, in which he or she develops a project from a concept to a working prototype ready for presentation at a public event. We schedule the residencies to overlap as much as possible so that we can foster an active working atmosphere in the Lab and stimulate interaction between artists. The Summer Sessions will conclude with presentations that will be part of the Test_Lab program.

The third Summer Sessions will take place in 2011. We are looking for art projects that fit one of the Lab’s three areas of focus. Each proposal should be conceptually sound and outline a concrete, realistic plan. Your proposal’s chance of being selected will be directly proportional to its quality. Are you an ambitious, early-career artist with an interesting idea for a project? Then send us your plan by March 31, 2011. To apply, submit a video presentation in which you briefly explain your project, the support you expect to need from the Lab, and why we should choose you to take part in the Summer Sessions.

    * Upload your video as "unlisted" (private) to Youtube
    * Complete the submission form:
    * Submission deadline: March 31
    * Notification of acceptance: before May 10
    * Summer Sessions period: June, July, August


V2_Lab focuses on three main subject areas: wearable technology, augmented reality and ecology.

Wearable technology is situated at the intersection of art, technology and fashion. The field focuses on the research and development of interfaces between virtual and physical realities, using the body as a locus.

Augmented reality is a collective name for technologies that change physical reality by adding interactive computer-generated content in such a way that the user experiences the virtual world interwoven with the real world.

Ecology has to do with the relationship of technological systems and natural organisms to each other and to their surroundings. In this category, we have mainly focused so far on the production of interfaces between natural organisms and technological systems, but we are also open to proposals in the areas of nature-inspired technology and synthetic biology.

In your application, please indicate clearly how your proposal fits into one of these three subject areas.
If you have any questions, please contact


(04.03.2011) ZDROJ: V2

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