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Tanzquartier Wien - rezidenční program 2005 pro performery a choreografy

Vídeň, Rakousko
Tanzquartier Wien ve spolupráci s KulturKontakt Austria pokračuje v podpoře tanečních umělců ze východní, střední a jihovýchodní Evropy a to prostřednictvím rezidenčních pobytů (6-8 týdnů) ve Vídni, při kterých je možno navštěvovat otevřenou laboratoř, přednášky, sympozia a diskuse. Termín pro podání žádostí o přijetí je 7. listopadu 2004.

Viena, Austria
April/May 2005

Tanzquartier Wien

Call for performers, choreographers creating solo work. The program concerns artists in residence from Eastern Central / Southeastern Europe.

The artists-in-residence programme will continue in 2005 within the dialogue with Eastern, Middle and Southeastern Europe in collaboration with KulturKontakt Austria.

The two residencies per year of a duration of each 6-8 weeks (6 weeks at TQW, for two further weeks if wanted a studio will be organised in the city) in spring (April/May) and autumn (September/October) shall open a multilayered exchange among international artists and create complex working conditions.

Brief outline:

  • participation at the daily training/workshop programme with international artists and highly qualified teachers on specific contemporary approaches;
  • visit of all performances at Tanzquartier Wien of open laboratories, lectures, syposia and discussions.

Research and development of own artistic work:

  • a studio is at the disposal of the resident artist (professional equipment;
  • option to present own work in the studio to the audience(after previous negociation;
  • use of all research and working facilities at the Centre for Theory and Information,library, mediatheque, video editing, internet.

A jury of 5 persons will meet in December 2004 to define the residencies for 2005.

Target group:

  • choreographers/performers who develop solo work, are interested developing their artistic work within another cultural context;
  • sense for innovation as well as strong interest in experimentation are required.

Please send:

  1. video (or DVD) of own and current work (the last two years max.): full documention/year, length, no trailers;
  2. dossier (incld press reviews;
  3. curriculum vitae incl full contact (please add tel/email if available;
  4. letter of recommendation.

Deadline: 07/11/2004

Tanzquartier Wien
Martina Hochmuth
Museumsplatz 1
A-1070 Viena
tel: +43-1-581 35 91-80
fax: +43-1-5813591-12

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