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Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art: Residency Program

Tirana, Albánie
Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art (TICA), první centrum současného umění v Tiraně zahajuje v lednu 2007 rezidenční program pro umělce. Vybraný umělec dostane k dispozici ubytování a studio v hlavním městě Albánie, organizátoři pak vedle zpáteční letenky a 400 USD dolarů na měsíc uspořádají výstavu na závěr pobytu a vydají publikaci. Přihlášky pro období začínající lednem 2007 je možno podat do 27. listopadu 2006, pro období od března pak 25. ledna 2007.


Period and structure:
TICA will offer a residency period of 2 months to the invited artists. A living space and a working studio as well as a monthly allowance shall be provided. The artists are encouraged to develop a new work during this month, as well as use it for research. Common areas of interest are to be investigated together with the TICA staff as well as the fellow resident artists. A display in the form of an exhibition (subsidised by TICA), followed by the publication of a bilingual brochure is expected at the end of the residency period.


TICA residency program will provide to the invited artists:
-a return flight ticket
-accommodation in Tirana, for two months
-studio space in Tirana, for two months
-a monthly allowance of 400 Euro
-organize with the end of residency period public presentation/exhibition
-organize with the end of residency period publication and its distribution


You can send your application digitally to, including:
- your cv
- a written description of your art practise (300 words maximum)
- your portfolio in digital format with a maximum of 10 images. The size of the images should be 800x600pix in jpeg format.
- your motivation for the residency stay (300 words maximum)
- in the case you want to add video the size should be 320x240 in quicktime format with a maximum size of 1 MB.

You can send your application in paper format to the following address:
Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art
c/o Delta Publicity
Blvd Deshmoret e Kombit

The application should include:
- your cv
- a written description of your art practise (300 words maximum)
- your portfolio including illustrations of your works and samples of videos etc
- your motivation for the residency stay (300 words maximum)

Please note that TICA cannot return any material.

TICA’s first residency period will last for two months, starting in January 2007.

TICA’s second residency period will last for two months, starting in the end of March 2007.

The application deadline for the residency period starting in January 2007 is November 25, 2006.

The application deadline for the residency period starting in March 2007 is January 25, 2006.

TICA can receive applications from September 15, 2006.

If you have any questions, please e-mail us at

(31.10.2006) ZDROJ: TICA

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