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UNESCO-ASCHBERG - Stipendia pro umělce 2004-2005

(výtvarné umění, hudba, tanec, tvůrčí psaní, performing arts, mediální umění)

Stipendia pro rezidenční pobyty umělců jsou nabízeny v celosvětovém networku Res Artist. Pro rok 2004/2005 program nabízí 57 stipendií ve 48 partnerských institucích v 27 zemích světa.

UNESCO, International Fund for the Promotion of Culture (IFPC)

The eligibility depends on the host - worth checking!
The Programme UNESCO-Aschberg Bursaries for Artists was created in 1994 to open new prospects of career to young artists in all disciplines. It enables to promote these possibilities by offering them the opportunity to continue their training in specialized institutions. This programme is under the aegis of the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture (IFPC) of UNESCO.

At the beginning of the 1960's, the Swedish philanthropist couple Aschberg, made a donation of a mansion located in Ile-de-France to UNESCO. Then the mansion was sold in 1992. In the memory of the patrons and in conformity with the spirit of their donation, the governing bodies of UNESCO decided to allocate the totality of the interests perceived from the capital of the sale to the creation of the UNESCO-Aschberg Bursaries for Artists. The fellowships are co- financed by the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture and an international network of partner institutions specialized in the training of artists. Since its creation, the programme has seen the number of fellowships granted and applications received regularly increase. Hundreds of young artists have already benefited from the programme.

The growing success of UNESCO-Aschberg Bursaries for Artists has encouraged 6 new institutions of quality to join the network. Simultaneously certain partner institutions have taken the decision to increase the number of fellowships proposed and to expand their cooperation to new disciplines.

Selection procedure is shared between an International Artistic Committee which meets once a year under the supervision of the ifpc, and the host institutions. The meeting takes place every year in June-July.

The announcement of the each fellowship has been examined so that the residency be presented as thoroughly as possible, and to give sound information on the host institution, the nature of the fellowship, the profile of the artist required and procedures to be followed to submit one's application.

The results of the final selection will be given as of the month of July every year.

The full list of hosting institutions available on the UNESCO website.
The deadline for most submissions is 30 April, but some close earlier.

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