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Vermont Studio Center - rezidenční pobyt

Johnson, Vermont, USA
Trust for Mutual Understanding/Vermont Studio Center nabízí již po třetí speciální program pro umělce ze třední a východní Evropy, kterým podpoří měsíční rezidenční pobyt v mezinárodním tvořivém společenství v srdci Zelených hor severně od Vermontu v období mezi lednem a červnem 2006. Termín podání přihlášek do 1. října 2005.

Vermont Studio Center

2005-2006 Trust for Mutual Understanding/Vermont Studio Center Award Program FOR CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN ARTISTS 

The Trust for Mutual Understanding (TMU) and the Vermont Studio Center (VSC) are pleased to announce the third annual Full Fellowship Competition for Central and Eastern European artists. One Residency Fellowship award is available, for which all Central and Eastern European artists are eligible.

Eligible Countries are: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and the Ukraine.

Each TMU/VSC award provides a month-long residency at the Vermont Studio Center, an international creative community located in the heart of the Green Mountains in northern Vermont.

A TMU/VSC Award includes:
• Round-trip air travel, materials & shipping, and daily living expenses
• Uninterrupted working time in a private studio
• Access to the counsel of five Distinguished Visiting Artists (3 painters/2 scultptors/2 writers) per month
• Three meals a day
• Comfortable, private accommodations
• The companionship of talented peers from around the world.

The Residency Period: any month between January 2006 and June 2006, depending on availability.

Notification of results: December 1, 2005.

To apply:
• Download an application.We don't have a specific application form for this award, but any applicant may use the general application form. However, please note that we do not yet accept electronic applications.
• E-mail
• Call
• Write

Be sure to mark “Trust for Mutual Understanding Award” on the restricted fellowship line provided on the application. There is no application fee for this award.

The Trust for Mutual Understanding was established in 1984 by an anonymous American philanthropist as a private, grant-making organization dedicated to promoting improved communication, closer cooperation, and greater respect between the people of the United States, the Soviet Union, and other countries in Eastern and Central Europe.
Application form
Deadline: October 1, 2005 (receiving date)
Vermont Studio Center
P.O. Box 613 
05656 Johnson
phone: 802-635-2727 

Founded in 1984 to support the making of art as the communication of spirit through form, the Vermont Studio Center is a nonprofit, year-round, international creative community, serving 600 artists and writers from across the country and around the world in the open, nurturing, supportive work environment of VSC's award-winning 30-building campus.

As the country's largest artists' community, the 75 artists and writers participating each month in 4–12 week independent studio Residencies, are selected to represent an intentional mix of mediums, cultures, experience, and ages. In addition, the Studio Center provides the resource of 7 distinguished Visiting Artists / Writers per month, each spending a working week at VSC, presenting their own work, and being available to Residents for optional individual studio visits and writing conferences.


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