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Visegradský rezidenční program pro umělce (VARP)

Tříměsíční rezidenční program pro umělce a umělkyně ze zemí Visegradu. Každý z žadatelů o rezidenční stipendium si musí najít hostitelskou organizaci v jedné ze čtyř zemí visegrádské dohody. Daná organizace musí rezidenční projekt konkrétního umělce/umělkyně přijmout. Vybraní stipendisté obdrží podporu ve výši €750 měsíčně. Také hostitelské organizaci bude poskytnuta částka na pokrytí provozních nákladů spojených s rezidenčním pobytem ve výši €750 měsíčně. Uzávěrka pro předložení žádostí je 10. září 2009.
Visegrad Artist Residency Program (VARP)

The Visegrad Artist Residency Program is a program created in 2006 for the purpose of facilitating art exchanges for applicants who are citizens of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries.

The art residency projects must be implemented in a V4 country other than that of the artist's residence. The supported period of each residency is 3 months.

To apply for the residency, each artist has to find a host organization, which will accept his/her residency project. All required fields in the application form must be filled out.

Compulsory annexes to the application are as follows:

 (1) Copy of an ID (e.g. passport)

 (2) Documentation of one's previous art work

      (to be uploaded in the on-line application form)

 (3) Original letter of acceptance from the host organization

      The letter must be on a letterhead paper and must include the following:
            - name of the artist
            - title of the project
            - planned dates of the project
            - date and signature of the statutory representative

 (4) Copy of founding documents or the statute of the host organization
      The documents must contain the following:
            - the name of the statutory representative
            - the registered seat of the organization
            - identification number of the organization (e.g. tax ID)

The printed and signed application form and other required materials need to be postmarked with the deadline date (or delivered personally to the Fund on the deadline date between 8.30 - 16.30). Documents sent after this date cannot be accepted.

Every applicant for the residency will be evaluated by a selection committee consisting of four independent experts covering different fields of art. The artists will be selected on the basis of proportionality among the Visegrad Group countries.

Selected artists will receive a residency fee (scholarship) of €750 per month and the host organization will receive €750 per month to cover expenses related to the residency.

Deadline for the 2010 residencies is 10 September 2009. The on-line application system for VARP opens in July 2009.
Dana Pekaříková, Program Manager
International Visegrad Fund
Kráľovské údolie 8
811 02 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
(16.07.2009) ZDROJ: International Visegrad Fund
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