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Finské performerky Katja Mustonen a Anna-Maija Terävä

Katja Mustonen a Anna-Maija Terävä přijíždějí v těchto dnech do Prahy na tříměsíční pobyt aby zde daly vzniknout představení, které hodlají uvést zde a později i ve Finsku. Plánují také organizaci workshopu, kde by se mohly setkávat s místními lidmi pro oboustrannou inspiraci. Hledají zájemce o spolupráci (poskytnutí prostoru pro práci, účast na dílně etc.).

Dance improvisation project

“The Other” is a dance improvisation project made by two Finnish dancers Katja Mustonen and Anna-Maija Terävä. The project will take place in Prague during 12.1.-12.3.2004, and after that it will continue in Finland.

“The Other” is using dance- and movement improvisation as a working form, the idea of an instant composition. The improvisation is also a way to take dance out from the studio. Project is using in- and outdoor places as the working areas; studios, galleries, city environments, public places and all the places where there are people, also theatre spaces. We are interested to see how everyday environment changes into a performance scene.

“The Other” is looking direct meetings with other people, culture, environment in the ways of dance and movement. It is also about exploring; dance and movements, communication and meeting, the other and your self, culture differences, performing situations…

From the work that is done in Prague, we will work out a concept (performance for the duet), which will not be tied in any certain environment. It can be taken in any place, public or hidden. (It will be also performed through out the process in all its faces.)

“The Other” will also create a concept for workshop. That workshop can be offered for different groups in Prague and later in Finland. The concept will be based on the same themes and ideas that the project is using.

“The Other” is now churching the place and time, where it is able to happen and exist. “The Other” reaches out and churches a connections to a local people and culture.

If you became interested of “The Other”, you can contact us by e-mail: Katja Mustonen: , Anna-Maija Terävä:

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