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Japonská rezidence na téma Vypravěč

Aomori, Japonsko Centrum současného umění Aomori, otevřeno v prosinci roku 2001, je institucí postavenou na programu uměleckých rezidencí AIR. Téma programu pro rok 2012 nese titul Vypravěč/Storyteller, což znamená, že práce a aktivity umělce/umělkyně budou nahlíženy z perspektivy vyprávění. Cílem rezidenčního programu Aomori není pouhá podpora umělce/umělkyně v průběhu tvorby díla, ale také možnost využít programu jako nástroje, jehož prostřednictvím je v umění vzděláváno místní publikum. Tvůrce by proto měl být schopen komunikace s místními lidmi a to základní angličtinou. Autor/ka obdrží kromě nákladů spojených s cestou, pobytem a materiálem potřebným pro vytvoření díla 75 000 japonských jenů jako autorský honorář. Uzávěrka přihlášek do programu Aomori je 25. května 2012.  

Aomori Contemporary Art Centre
Artist in Residence Program 2012
Purpose of the Program

Aomori Contemporary Art Centre (ACAC) opened in December 2001 as an artistic institution centered on an ‘Artist-in-Residence’ (AIR) program system. We invite to our facility artists who play an active part in the field of contemporary art. During the residency period, we hold an exhibition and various exchange programs to contribute to the creative life. Through creative activities, presentations, workshops, and lectures by the artist, the aim of the program is to help the audience gain a deeper understanding of art and to promote international exchange.

Therefore, on this AIR program, our aim is not only to support the artist whilst he creates his work, but also to use the program as a tool with which to educate the local audience about art. Through the encounters and the interaction between the artists and people in Aomori a new creative space will be born.

Program theme: “Storyteller”

Humans find symbols everywhere, and various global events and truths, and order and origins, have been represented as narratives which have been organized in a given time and space. Creating, communicating, and receiving these narratives may also be to acknowledge or to be aware of the world. This remains unchanged even today; countless narratives are born through various types of media. From numerous existing narratives, people find a narrative in which they can share. By superimposing their own thoughts and feelings, they begin to understand themselves. When people talk about their own story, they can know themselves. What is the narrative of artwork? Is it having a symbolic story or history in the background? Or is it a scene from a story which the artist has created? Is it a narrative which indicates serial development in a given space? The artwork may allude to narrative structure itself. Whatever the case may be, when artwork gains a certain type of narrativity artists´ activities themselves become a medium. During the Fall 2012 Artist in Residence Program, we would like to approach artists´ works and activities from the perspective of "narrative".

Application Requirements

a) The artist should be working in the field of contemporary art (regardless of genre).

b) The artist should be independent, and capable of working and living on his or her own.

c) The artist should be able to produce and present artwork and to handle the dismantling and removal of that artwork, by him or herself within the designated period of time.

d) The artist should understand the purpose of his or her visit to ACAC, and be able to be present for more than 55 days of the residency period.

e) The artist should be able to lead a community life with the other artists on the program.

f) The artist should be able to communicate with local people, including joining in the exchange program activities, (talks, lectures, workshops, school visits etc) and should be prepared to take an active role in the educational art program.

g) The artist should be able to explain his or her artwork, and to give lectures or workshops in English or Japanese as part of the exchange program.

h) The artist should be in good health.

I) The artist should be able to speak and understand basic English daily conversation.

How to Apply

Applicants are required to submit by post the documents listed by the due date. Please follow the instructions detailed when filling in applications.

Applications Guidelines

Deadline: 25/05/12- recieved
Aomori Contemporary Art Centre
Aomori Public College
152-6 Yamazaki Goshizawa
Aomori, Japan
tel: +81-17-764-5200
fax: +81-17-764-5201

(16.04.2012) ZDROJ:

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