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Nadace Manuela Rivera Ortize grant na sociální fotodokument

New York, USA Nadace Manuela Rivera Ortize vyhlašuje podruhé výroční grant 5000 USD v oblasti sociálního fotodokumentu. Nadace udělí grant výjiměčné fotografické práci z oblasti sociální, která se věnuje sociální problemtice zejména v rozvojových zemích a to na téma zdraví, chudoby, války, politické či náboženské perzekuce a dalších. Uzávěrka pro předkládání grantů je 31. května 2012.

The MANUEL RIVERA-ORTIZ Foundation for International Photography

Announces Call for Applications for Annual 5.000 USD Grant Program

The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation for International Photography is currently seeking the award one outstanding global, social documentary photographer with a grant of $5,000 USD to be utilized in the production or completion of a social documentary project. The pre-approved project must be produced in the photojournalistic tradition of Manuel Rivera-Ortiz, Foundation Founder & President. The winning project must be based on such pressing social issues in developing nations as health, poverty, oppression, war, famine, religious/political persecution, and much more.

Who is eligible
Photographers of all nationalities who are 18 years of age or older are eligible to apply. Submit a one-page proposal and a portfolio sample of your black & white or color (PDF if possible) current work. Only new and continuing projects are eligible to apply. Our Director, Founder, and Board of Trustees will select a winner from all accepted entries.

Only digital file submissions will be considered. Digital files should not exceed 10 MB in size. Please submit a PDF contact sheet of your work consisting of no more than 15 images, alongside a written essay of up to 1000 words stating the purpose of your work, why you should be awarded this grant, and a little about who you are and how you developed a passion for photography. Also include in your statement a line or two about your photographic process, and the inspiration behind your work. It will be your responsibility to insure that your entry has been received. We are not responsible for submissions sent but not received. Final proposals that have been selected must include a description of the social issue to be funded by this grant, a proposed completion date/schedule (projects must be completed within 6 months following receipt of award) and a detailed budget for final approval. Grant funding will be disseminated in installments as the project is completed and submitted for approval. No signature, stamp or any other identifying mark is to be printed anywhere on submitted images.

Submissions must be accompanied by a one-page (only) resumé, headshot, as well as pertinent supporting materials not to exceed a total of 10 pages to: Images (which contain titles of text) should do so on a separate page or text document (.doc or .pdf) properly numbered, and labeled. Submissions, which do not follow these guidelines, will not be considered.

Entries must be postmarked no later than May 31, 2012.

The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation for International Photography retains the right to refuse any entry for any reason without explanation. Winning photographer agrees to grant The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation for International Photography nonexclusive reproduction rights of his/her images, essay and resume for exclusive promotional, editorial and publicity purposes.

All entries will remain catalogued in our files in perpetuity under your name bearing your copyright.

By submitting you entry you agree to allow your image(s) to be included in an online year-end group exhibition to be held on, or at the first anniversary of this award. There will be only exposure for this exhibition and no monetary compensation. Our editorialstaff will select group exhibition photographers from all submitted entries for this award. Selected images will be showcased on our website. Should your image(s) be among those selected, you will be contacted about our decision.

Copyright and all other rights remains with you the author. Any photograph(s) we use will carry the photographer's credit line. All entrants understand that The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation for International Photography may use images of the winning project for marketing and promotional purposes of Foundation activities including at media events such as exhibitions, print and digital media directly related to our award competition. There will be no monetary compensation for such events. Use may include publication on our website, media sponsored publications and promotional materials. By winning or placing in the competition you are agreeing to be included in the winners' circle on our website.

Entry Deadline: May 31, 2012

For more information on the Grant Program and the activities of the Foundation, check our website: or contact the Executive Director, Mr. Didier de Faÿs, at


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