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PLATEAUX - mezinárodní platforma pro mladé divadelní režiséry

Frankfurt nad Mohanem, Německo
Projekt iniciovaný Domem umělců MOUSONTURM v roce 1999 ve spolupráci s kulturní nadací Deutsche Bank podporuje experimentální divadlo. Termín pro přijetí projektů je 13.února 2004.

PLATEAUX - international platform for young theatre directors - deadline for conceptual proposals, February 13, 2004

Plateaux is a supportive model for experimental theatre. The project was initiated in 1999 by Künstlerhaus MOUSONTURM in co- operation with the cultural foundation of Deutsche Bank. International artists, performers and companies in the field of experimental theatre, performance art and live art are invited to send in conceptual proposals. plateaux commissions a limited number of productions and invites the artists for production residencies. The projects will be presented during a festival in October 2004 at Künstlerhaus MOUSONTRUM.

The application should include a precise conceptual description, profound documentations on previous projects (including videos), a budget calculation and CVs.

More information is available from:
Künstlerhaus MOUSONTURM,
Waldschmidtstraße 4,
D-60316 Frankfurt/M,
Tel: ++49+69-40589517
Fax: ++49 +69 40589540

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