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VESMÍR A UMĚNÍ- 7. workshop

Leonardo, Evropský vesmírný výzkum a Technologické centrum pořádá ve dnech 18.-21. května 7. workshop Vesmír a umění. Výzva k zaslání resumé má termín 29. února 2004.

Noordwijk, The Netherlands
18-21 May 2004
Leonardo, European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESA-ESTEC)
7th Workshop on Space and the Arts
Call for Papers 

3Space: Science, Technology and the Arts2 is the theme of the 7th workshop on space and the arts which is being co-organized by the European Space Agency (ESA), the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and its Commission VI, Leonardo/OLATS and the OURS Foundation. It is scheduled to be held at ESTEC - ESA1s European Space Research & Technology Centre in Noordwijk, The Netherlands from 18-21 May 2004.

Since the birth of space exploration, artists and space scientists have inspired each other in the development of humanity1s space programs, regularly exchanging information, ideas and visions. Artists working with space subjects and themes invariably become heavily involved in both the physics and the technologies of space ­ either as a muse, a metaphor, a subject or as a tool necessary for the development of their artistic creations. Artists, wanting to explore space on their own artistic terms, often must become very knowledgeable about the utilization of space technologies, materials, mechanisms and procedures in order to develop feasible art works and projects as such projects are subject to the same conditions and regulations governing scientific experiments designed for space. Such activities have broadened the idea of space exploration within the space community while making space exploration understandable in other ways and accessible by larger public.

Now that the International Space Station (ISS) is nearing completion, the ISS partners have begun to investigate how this orbital facility can be utilized, not only as a platform for scientific experimentation, but also as a platform for cultural exploration and expression. This creates a new opportunity and challenge for artists and other cultural professionals to work closely together with space scientists, engineers, technologists and administrators in developing new concepts, projects and strategies.

The 3Space: Science, Technology and the Arts2 workshop promises to be an important and pivotal event as it provides a unique opportunity for professionals in the space and the arts communities to meet, discuss and exchange new ideas related to the cultural exploration of space.


The Workshop on 3Space: Science, Technology and the Arts2 aims to:

  • provide a platform where new ideas and experiments relating to the interaction of space science, technology and the arts can be exposed and debated
  • provide an environment where people, especially artists and other 3culture professionals,2 together with space scientists and engineers can exchange ideas and projects about space from the perspective of their unique backgrounds, education and experiences
  • provide a meeting place where new space art and technology projects can emerge and new teams and partnerships can be built
  • nurture a domain of space activities that is becoming more recognized in both the space community and in the mainstream art world
  • disseminate the ideas and projects by publicizing the results of the event

Submission of Abstracts

Participation in the workshop will be limited to a maximum of 40 persons, and participants will be selected upon review of abstracts of presentations proposed for the workshop.

Abstracts, limited to one A4 page, should be submitted via the online form available at

The abstract should be in English and include:

  • Workshop name
  • Title of presentation
  • Name and affiliation of authors
  • Full contact details of presenting author, including postal and e-mail addresses, phone and fax

The deadline for abstract submission is 29 February 2004.

Following acceptance a complete paper will be required and the author(s) will be invited to register for the Workshop.


29 February 2004 - Deadline for abstracts
15 March 2004 - Notification of acceptance
20 April 2004 - Preliminary program
7 May 2004 - Deadline for papers
18-21 May 2004 - Workshop

Workshop Topics

Presentations can be about any aspect or issue related to 3Space: Science, Technology and the Arts.2 Since the scope of the Workshop is large, potential authors might like to consider submitting abstracts for papers addressing such topics as:

  • the impact of space technologies on the arts and vice-versa
  • the transfer of space technologies to art and design
  • the role and involvement of space bodies in the arts
  • designing art for the space environment - the requirements, the limitations
  • synergies between the arts and space communities
  • the interaction between space, arts and the public
  • space and the new media arts
  • using the arts to explore space
  • the arts in orbit ­ use of the ISS for artistic and cultural expression
    Authors need not, of course, limit themselves to these topics.

The Workshop will begin with a Welcome Event on Tuesday evening 18 May 2004.
The three-day formal workshop will take place in the Einstein Room of the main ESTEC building on 19-21 May 2004 and will consist of oral presentations from both invited and contributing speakers.
There will be no charge for participation in the workshop.
Travel and accommodation expenses are the responsibility of each participant.

Visiting address:
European Space & Technology Centre
Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk (The Netherlands)
European Space & Technology Centre
P.O. Box 299
2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands

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