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De Ateliers: rezidenční program v Amsterdamu

Amsterdam, Holandsko Institut nezávislých umělců  De Ateliers založený v roce 1963 a provozovaný umělci z oblasti vizuálních umění vyzývá mladé umělce a umělkyně na počátku profesionální dráhy k předkládání přihlášek do rezidenčního programu De Ateliers. Ačkoli program nemá striktní věkové vymezení jsou přednostně vybíráni autoři a autorky do 30 let. Pro umělce a umělkyně je k dispozici 23 prostorných ateliérů v budově De Ateliers v centru Amsterdamu.  Prostory jsou k dispozici těm, kteří chtějí kombinovat intenzivní práci se supervizí prominentních umělců a kritiků umění. Striktní výběrová kritéria zajišťují vysokou kvalitu umělců a umělkyň. Mezi bývalé účastníky programu patří Toon Verhoef, Marlene Dumas, Joep van Lieshout, Rob Birza, Aernout Mik aj. Uzávěrka pro podávání přihlášek je 1. února 2012.
Residency program in Amsterdam
Call for application

De Ateliers is open to young artists who are at the beginning of their professional artistic development. Although De Ateliers does not impose a strict age limit, there is a preference for candidates not older than thirty years of age. Nevertheless, also older candidates are entitled to apply.

All candidates should have a good command of the English language. A completed course of training and professional experience are not required; applications are considered on the basis of visual qualities and artistic ambitions.

Applicants who were not accepted to the program, may apply again after a minimum timespan of 12 months.

Artists working as a duo are asked to send in two individual application forms, and - if possible - to indicate who is responsible for which part of the work.

To qualify for admission you are kindly asked to sent us the following:

1. A completed application form
2. A CD / DVD with works
3. A title list and a recent CV
4. A copy of your passport
5. A nonrefundable application fee of 50 euros

Ad. 1. You apply by submitting a completed application form. Feel free to add more paper when necessary. Note that in the form you cannot save data onto your computer. Print the completed form before closing.

Ad. 2. You submit a DVD or CD with documentation of your work. Documentation must provide a good indication of what has been done over recent years. Specifications are to be found on the application form. Please note: documentation will not be returned! Do not send us any original works, prints or books.

Ad. 3. You are requested to add a recent CV and a list with details of the submitted works on the disc.

Ad. 4. You add a copy of a valid ID to your application.

Ad. 5. A non-refundable application fee of € 50 is charged. Your application will only be considered if this sum is transferred not later than the application deadline. You can either pay the fee by bank transfer or by filling in the credit card form in the application form (preferred, no costs).

The submitted work will be evaluated by the tutor artists. Visual quality, artistic ambitions and prospects for future development are key criteria.

When one or more of the tutor artists considers it necessary, a candidate is invited for an interview. This interview with tutor artists lasts about half an hour. Candidates can also be accepted without an interview.

The procedure will take about three months. If you are accepted, you will be notified in person, by telephone or e-mail. When you are not notified within this period, you can assume your application was unsuccessful.

By the middle of May, the names of the artists who are accepted to the program will be published on our websit.
Deadline: 01/02/12
de Ateliers
Stadhouderskade 86
1073 AT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel: 0031 20 6739359
fax: 0031 20 6755039
(24.01.2012) ZDROJ:

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