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6. festival sólového tance a duetů

Budapešť, Maďarsko
Festival, který se bude konat v lednu uvede 25 sólových představení a 25 duo představení v budapešťském divadle MU na scéně 8x8m. Přihlásit se můžete do 3. května 2004.

Call for participation in 6th Solo and Duo Dance Festival Jan. 2005 / Applications by 3 May, 2004

The 6th Solo and Duo Dance Festival will be held in January 2005, organised by Orkesztika Foundation in MU Theatre, Budapest, Hungary. The Festival provides opportunities for individual dancers and dance groups to realise their artistic concepts and through this event to get feedback that they can use to develop themselves.

The Festival can only host 25 solo and 25 duo performances. The festival can not host performances in which there is no intention for a unique presentation, which means that improvisations, or a choreography that was performed before will not be accepted.

In order to filter out inappropriate productions, the organisers and the jury will look at the performances on video. The best productions will be presented again at the Gala Ceremony, where prizes for the best solo and duo performances will be given.

The same light technique and the same time for stage rehearsal will be ensured for all participants of the Festival. The size of the stage is 8 x 8 m.

You can apply to the Festival with short solo or duo dance performances under the following conditions:

  • Dance performances that were already presented cannot participate in the Festival.
  • Applicants must be at least 16 years old
  • The length of a solo performance cannot be more than 6 minutes and no more than 9 minutes in the case of duo performances.
  • Tools or instruments can be used in the performances but only if their installation does not take more than 30 seconds in the premiere. Tools (candles, water, dye) that can damage or soil the stage floor are not allowed.

1st Application deadline: 3rd February 2004, arrival date of the declaration by fax.
2nd Application deadline: 3rd of May 2004, arrival date of the application form.

Orkesztika Alapítvány Titkársága, 1078 Budapest, Hernád u. 11
Fax: +36-1-392-1190
More information: +36-20-361-7821 at Andrea Tariska, organiser


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