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DAH Theatre Research Centre - Mezinárodní škola pro herce a režiséry

Bělehrad, Srbsko a Černá hora
Nové přístupy pro režiséry a herce, kteří si budou vychutnávat kreativní proces fyzického a hlasového tréninku, tvorbu materiálů a tvorbu představení procesem montáže, bude ve dnech 14. června - 2. července 2004 vyučovat tým bělehradského DAH Teatar, uznávaní hlasový a pohybový specialisté: režisérka Dijana Miloševic a herci Maja Mitić a Sanja Krsmanović Tasić. Cílem worksopu bude poznat historii místa (Bělehrad) a osobní příběhy a historii učastníků, odkud přichází a jak jejich minulost rezonuje v dnešním životě a událostech. Termín pro podání přihlášek: 1. května 2004.

DAH Theatre Research Centre

A new approach in which both directors and actors will indulge in a creative process of physical and vocal training, creating materials and through the process of montage, creating a performance.
During this period they will work and learn from the core members of DAH Teatar: director Dijana Miloševic, and actresses Maja Mitić and Sanja Krsmanović Tasić, renowned voice and movement specialists.

- The history of the place where the workshop is held (Belgrade).
- The personal stories and histories of the participants, where they come from and how the effects of the past resonate in today's life and events.

During three weeks the participants will also have the opportunity to encounter the rich cultural life of Belgrade with a special focus on the contemporary theatre and art scene. On the weekends, sessions of theoretical discussions will be held, followed by the viewing of different videos. One weekend will be reserved for a field trip.

Dah Theatre was formed in June 1991 out of the need for profound experimental work. In 1993 Dah Theatre enlarged its activities by forming the Theatre Research Centre with an ongoing program of workshops, lectures, seminars, guest performances and festivals. The work of the Centre is geared toward a constant exchange of knowledge, experience and ideas among artists and theatre professionals from different theatrical and national traditions.

DAH Theatre Research Centre
Marulićeva 8
11000 Beograd
Serbia and Montenegro
tel: +381 11 244 16 80


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