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DanceWEB 2005 - Evropský pobytový program současného tance

Obrázek k článku DanceWEB 2005 - Evropský pobytový program současného tance

Vídeň, Rakousko
DanceWEB poskytuje jedinečnou příležitost profesionální výměny, reflexe a dalšího vzdělávání pro mladé choreografy a tanečníky na počátku jejich kariéry. Na 50 účastníků ze 30 zemí bude navrženo k získání grantu dance WEB 2005. DanceWEB se bude konat v rámci ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival ve dnech 14. července - 18. srpna 2005. Termín pro přihlášky je 31. prosince 2005.

DanceWEB 2005

July 14 - August 18 • Vienna
European Scholarship Programme for Contemporary Dance

Deadline for application: January 31, 2005.

DanceWEB made me realize how lucky I am to be a stranger in this world.
I hope I will always be a stranger full of questions and a few interesting answers. I can say now I am at a starting point of an exciting life full of questions. And out there there’s a world full of answers and, what’s more tempting, full of new questions. 

Martin Inthamoussu, Uruguay/The Netherlands

DanceWEB – a unique possibility for professional exchange, reflection and further training for young choreographers and dancers at the beginning of their careers. Up to 50 participants from 30 countries will be nominated for a danceWEB 2005 grant.

DanceWEB – a meeting with impulses going far beyond the immediate work in Vienna itself, a forum for supporting and accompanying the careers of its participants.

DanceWEB – a network linking students, choreographers, companies and educational experts in an open and critical debate.

Artistic Comitee: Emio Greco, Ismael Ivo, Susanne Linke, Vera Mantero, Stephen Petronio, Pieter C. Scholten, Mark Tompkins, Jorma Uotinen, Ko Murobushi.

DanceWEB takes place in the frame of ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival. The following services are offered to danceWEB scholarship recipients:

  • Individual artistic coaching by the danceWEB coach (David Zambrano)
  • Participation in a personal selection of the 150 dance workshops organised by ImPulsTanz
  • Participation in the research projects led by internationally reputed choreographers
  • Free admission to all (up to 45) performances of the festival ImPulsTanz
  • Special projects exclusively offered to danceWEB scholarship-holders
  • Free accomodation in Vienna for the period of the Scholarship Programme
  • Connection to the international danceWEB database

Selection of teachers of ImPulsTanz Workshops & Research in 2005:

Zvi Gotheiner (New York), Andrew de L. Harwood (Montréal), Ko Murobushi (Tokio), David Zambrano (Amsterdam), Mark Tompkins (Paris), Kathleen Hermesdorf (San Francisco), Elisabeth Corbett (Brussels), Nitta Little (Santa Cruz) a. o. (as of October 2004, program subject to change).

For more information on ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival go to:

DanceWEB is financed with the support of the Culture 2000 programme of the European Union, Kulturamt der Stadt Wien, Bundeskanzleramt-Kunstsektion, Goethe-Institut München, KulturKontakt Austria, Rudolf Nureyev Foundation, UNESCO-Aschberg.

Application form and information at

Deadline for application: January 31, 2005.

DanceWEB 2005 - General Information
July 14 - August 18 • Vienna
European Scholarship Programme for Contemporary Dance

DanceWEB is a project which in the area of dance represents an unprecedented example in Europe, bringing together quite a manifold mixture of creative energy and providing artists with the opportunity for constructive and imaginative dialogue with each other. The aim of this project is to present participants with the great diversity of developments and traditions in Contemporary dance as a unified source for enrichment; to teach students in such a way as to give rise to auto-didactic learning based on this diversity.

The time spent working and learning together in Vienna is intended to fuel future creative processes and international joint productions. Furthermore, danceWEB as a platform for communication shall continue to transcend national borders in order to promote co-operation between young artists.

ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival and its manifold teaching programme with the most diverse dance techniques as well as the contemporary dance presentation offer the danceWEB scholarship holders ideal possibilities for an artistic exchange, for reflection and dialogue and advanced education in dance. In view of this multitude of opportunities the student can find his/her own artistic position. Meeting dancers, choreographers, teachers and students from other traditions sharpens the respect for foreign cultures and provides new creative impulses for the scholarship holders‘ own artistic work.

The participants will be accompanied by the danceWEB coach (David Zambrano) who will help and assist the individual student during the scholarship programme.

What I learned as a lesson from being a danceWEBber is: to always do, what nature gave me to work on; to dance with my full imagination and power and to create my very personal and strong atmosphere; to believe in the body and it’s physical limits; to go further along my way as a creator and dancer and keep the trust in myself.

Marta Ladjanszki, Hungary

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