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AVU – veřejné přednášky: Digitální interference

Cyklus prosincových přednášek, kterého se zúčastní významní mezinárodně uznávaní experti a umělci z oblasti nových medií - Keiko Sei (JP/TH), Franz Pomassl (A), a Branka Curcic (YU) byl zahájen na Akademii výtvarných umění koncem listopadu přednáškou Arnolda Dreyblatta (USA/DE).

Přednášky se konají v Aule AVU

25. 11. 2004 - 13:30
Arnold Dreyblatt (USA/DE)
Archív jako metafora pro individuální a kolektívní konstrukce paměti: instalace a performance 1986-2004
The Archive as a Metaphor for Individual and Collective Memory Construction: Installation and Performances 1986-2004

Born in New York City in 1953, Arnold Dreyblatt is an artist and composer. He moved to Berlin in 1984. During extensive travel and research in Eastern Europe in 1985, he found a copy of Who's Who in Central and East Europe 1933. For the past fifteen years, he has been dissecting and reconstructing this text and others as the basis of many projects, including opera, interactive performances, and installations.

2. 11. 2004 - 17:30
Keiko Sei (JP/THAI)
Jak využit své smysly ~ vztah jídla a umění
Working on Your Senses ~ the Relation between Food and Art

Přednáška bude zkoumat základní vztahy mezi jídlem a uměním a přicházející trend používání potravin v umění. Toto šetření nás přivede k úvaze o rozdílech pojetí východu a západu.

The lecture will examine the basic relation between food and art, the coming trend of art that uses food. These investigations will lead us also to think about difference in the notion of art between East and West.

Keiko Sei is a writer, curator and educator of independent media. She had worked as a video curator, running an organization for video art, in Tokyo until moved to Eastern Europe in 1988 to investigate the use of media in the communist countries. Since then she has helped establishing independent media scene, including video and media art, in many countries in the region including Central Asia and Caucasus. In 2002 she moved to South East Asia and opened a film and video school in Burma. Numerous lectures and seminars at schools and museums and contributions to publications worldwide including Umelec in C.R.. An author of a book Konecna krajina, One Woman Press, 2004.

9. 12. 2004 17:30
Franz Pomassl (A)
Elektro-akustické stroje a process verus fyzická percepce prostoru
The electro-acoustic machines and processes versus the physical perception of the space

Franz Pomassl lives and works in Jaidhof and Vienna. He finished his studies at the Institute of electro-acoustic and experimental music at the University of Music in Vienna (1991), Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, (New Media, 1995) and the Zokey Daigaku University in Tokio (1996). Currently he is teaching at the Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (Sound Studio).

14. 12. 2004 - 17:30
Branka Curcic (YU)
Prezentace aktivít a projektů centra nových médií
The presentation of the activities and the projects of the New Media Center

New Media Center is an organization which brings together artists, theoreticians, media activists, researchers and the wider public in the field of Information and Communication Technologies.'s work focuses on questions concerning the influence of the electronic media on society, on the creative use of new communication technologies, and on contemporary cultural and social policy. Some of the main issues include interpretation and analysis of the history and significance of the information society, the potential of information itself, and the diffusion of its influence on political, economic and cultural relationships in contemporary society.

Branka Curic is a BA artist, graduated at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad in 2001. She applied for postgraduate studies at University of Belgrade, Media and Art theory studies. Presently, she is working as an editor of Infocentre department in, Center for New Media, Novi Sad.

(29.11.2004) ZDROJ: AVU - nová media

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