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East Art Map (EAM) - (Re)konstrukce historie současného umění východní Evropy - on line

Lublaň, Slovinsko
Skupina Irwin ve spolupráci s New Moment (Lublaň) pozvala skupinu 24 uměleckých kritiků, kurátorů a umělců z různých postsocialistických zemí střední a východní Evropy a jihovýchodních zemí, aby vybrali a prezentovali zásadní umělecké projekty a to z perspektivy jejich zemí a kontextu posledních 50 let. Takto se shromáždila mapa asi 200 umělců a projektů. Dalším krokem je technicky i koncepčně dát EAM na internet a otevřít ji příspěvkům uživatelů. Veřejnost a odborníci jsou tímto zváni poskytnout další data, které zcela jistě změní topografii této umělecké mapy.

East Art Map - A (Re)Construction of the History of Contemporary Art in Eastern Europe (online)

Call for contributions!

Initially, a group Irwin, in collaboration with New Moment (Ljubljana), invited a group of 24 eminent art critics, curators and artists from the different ex-socialist Central, Eastern and South-Eastern countries to select and present up to ten crucial art projects from their respective countries and contexts over the past 50 years. In this way, a basic data pool of approximately 200 artists and projects was gathered. The next step, technically as well as conceptually, is to transfer the EAM onto the Internet and open it up for contributions by its users.

Rather than simply adding data to a quantitatively growing database which at some point would become useless, the users who propose new entries will have to decide which artist/event/project should be replaced by their proposal.

All the proposals will be displayed on the website and kept for public discussion (in the feedback area) until the final decision of the international committee.

The general public and specialists are invited to provide additional data, which may, for sure, change the topography of the map.

They invite anyone who wishes to, and who thinks they have a better idea than the original selectors, to propose a replacement for any project or artwork included in EAM.

Of course, the guidelines for such proposals will be the same as those presented to the selectors: people will have to write a page of text presenting their suggested replacement and the reasons why it should be included.

In addition, they will require them to provide written references confirming the reliability of the date of the work they are proposing for inclusion. Every two to three months an international committee of six experts will decide whether or not to include any of the proposals submitted.

Send your proposal - complete with: a) a written page of text presenting your suggested replacement and the reasons why it should be included, and b) written references confirming the reliability of the date of the work you are proposing for inclusion - to or submit it directly at this website on the information page of the artist you wish to replace.

All the proposals - provided they contain the requested materials - will be displayed on the website and kept for public discussion until the final decision of the international committee. A feedback area will be installed.

East Art Map
Inke Arns

(16.12.2004) ZDROJ: Artservis
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