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Finalistkou globální ceny Future Generation Art Prize je česká umělkyně

Na konci června 2010 oznámilo ukrajinské PinchukArtCentre užší výběr kandidátů a kandidátek na udělení ceny Future Generation Art Prize 2010 v hodnotě sto tisíc dolarů. Mezi 21 vybranými umělci a umělkyněmi z celého světa je i česká autorka, držitelka ceny Jindřicha Chalupeckého, Kateřina Šedá.  Do soutěže se přihlásilo více než 6000 autorů ze 125 zemí. Mezi členy rady Future Generation Art Prize 2010 patří umělci, odborníci na současné umění a sběratelé umění najdeme zde například, Damiena Hirsta, Jeffa Koonse, Takashi Murakamiho, zpěváka Eltona Johna či ředitele Tate Gallery.
PinchukArtCentre announced 21 young artists nominated for the Future Generation Art Prize 2010. The Future Generation Art Prize established by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation is a major new international competition for artists up to 35 to discover and provide long-term support for a generation of emerging artists, wherever they may live and work.

Following by the open, free and democratic application procedure via Internet the 7 members of the Selection Committee, competent and global art-professionals, selected 20 artists from more than 6 000 applications coming from 125 countries and divided over all continents.

The 21th nominee for the Future Generation Art Prize is Artem Volokytin, the winner of the first PinchukArtCentre Prize 2009, a contemporary art prize awarded to young Ukrainian artists under 35.

The shortlist of the Future Generation Art Prize 2010 includes:
Ziad Antar, 32 (Lebanon); Fikret Atay, 34 (Turkey); Fei Cao, 32 (China); Keren Cytter, 32 (Israel); Nathalie Djurberg, 32 (Sweden); Simon Fujiwara, 27 (United Kingdom); Nicholas Hlobo, 34 (South Africa); Clemens Hollerer, 34 (Austria); Runo Lagomarsino, 32 (Sweden); Cinthia Marcelle, 35 (Brazil); Gareth Moore, 35 (born in Canada); Mircea Nicolae, 30 (Romania); Ruben Ochoa, 35 (United States); Wilfredo Prieto Garcia, 32 (Cuba); Katerina Seda, 32 (Czech Republic); Guido van der Werve, 33 (Netherlands); Nico Vascellari, 33 (Italy), Jorinde Voigt, 33 (Germany); Artem Volokytin, 29 (Ukraine); Emily Wardill, 32 (United Kingdom); Hector Zamora, 35 (Mexico).

The nominees for the Prize represent 18 different countries.  In terms of the continents and world regions 10 artists represent Europe; South America – 3; Middle East – 2; Africa – 1 and Asia – 1. There are 13 male participants and 8 female in the shortlist.

The Selection Committee chosen by the Jurors of the Prize formed the long-list of 500 artists and then made the final selection during the 2 days meeting in Kiev at the PinchukArtCentre.

Peter Pakesch, the FGAP Selection Committee chairman: “The quality of contributions was astonishing. It was not easy in the beginning to make a selection considering the high amount of strong works. But in the end it was possible to get a very clear picture. I am happy about the result so far. And I am thrilled to see the show and who will be the winner.”

Eckhard Schneider, the General Director of the PinchukArtCentre: “Having nominees coming from18 different countries worldwide shows the global character of this prize. We are looking forward to have this future generation of artists here in Ukraine.”

The exhibition of shortlisted artists will open at the PinchukArtCentre in October 29, 2010. The respected international jury will chose and announce the winner of the main prize who will receive a generous prize ($60,000 in cash and $40,000 toward production of new work) at the Award Ceremony on December 10, 2010 in Kiev (Ukraine).

An additional $20,000 from the Foundation will be allotted to fund artist-in-residency programs for up to five other special prize winners. Images of works by all the shortlisted artists will be posted on the website, and members of the public will be invited to vote via the Internet for People’s Choice Prize.
(03.08.2010) ZDROJ: Pinchuk Art Centre

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