Proculture: výzkumné, informační a vzdělávací centrum pro umění a kulturu
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Publikace Social Impact of the Arts

Cílem publikace "Sociální dopady umění" ( The Social Impact of the Arts) autorů Eleanor Belifore a Oliver Benneta má za cíl podpořit veřejnou diskuzi o vnitřních hodnotách umění a zprostředkující roli umění. Cílem knihy je také opětovně navázat na bohatou tradici myšlení, čerpající mimo jiné z idejí Aristotela a Platona a ukázat, jak se některé z konceptů klasické filosofie staly samozřejmými pravdami. V neposlední řadě chce publikace povzbudit "odlišné porozumění skutečnosti, jak umění může ovlivnit společnost." Publikaci vydalo britské nakladatelství Palgrave Macmillan.

The Social Impact of the Arts

The Social Impact of the Arts offers an intellectual history of claims made over time for the value, function and impact of the arts in Western societies. With chapters on corruption, catharsis, education and 'art for art's sake', as well as number of other key themes, the book examines the many different ways in which writers have attempted to articulate the social impact of the arts. It also relates contemporary policy debates to a history of ideas, making a timely contribution to public debate about the value of the arts in modern societies.

Towards a new approach to researching the social impacts of the arts
Corruption and distraction
Personal well-being
Education and Self-development
Moral improvement and civilization
Political instrument
Social stratification and identity construction
Autonomy of the art and rejection of instrumentality

Author Biographies
ELEONORA BELFIORE is Assistant Professor of Cultural Policy Studies at the University of Warwick, UK, where she teaches postgraduate courses in British and European cultural policy. Her published work explores the function of the arts in modern societies and the relation of arts policy to other forms of social and economic policy.

OLIVER BENNETT is Professor of Cultural Policy Studies at the University of Warwick, UK. He has published extensively on the politics of culture and is the founding editor of The International Journal of Cultural Policy. He is the author of Cultural Pessimism: Narratives of Decline in the Postmodern World.

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