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Česká herečka pro divadelní projekt v Linci

Linec, Rakousko
Tým, který chce připravit divadelní hru založenou na rakouských a českých literárních textech a hudbě hledá českou herečku, aby se zúčastnila společné studijní cesty ve dnech mezi 12.- 17. září a zkoušek představení od října s premiérou 10. listopadu 2005.

Looking for a czech actress in fall 2005

Brigitta Waschnig from the "theaterachse" in Linz is planing to direct a theatre project in fall in Linz in Austria. It is going to be about the Austrian/ Czech neighbourhood - the starting point will be a journey to the czech republic in September preferable with the czech actress, who we are looking for now. She should travel around with our team to show us her most important impressions of her native country and the people. We are going to film the journey, we will take interviews to find out what czech people think about their country and also what they think about Austria and the Austians.

Thomas, the Austrian actor later also will introduce his county,his home town...etc.

In a common process the team will develope with the whole material a theatreplay - a collage of czech and austrian literature, czech and austrian music (we have also an accordionist) , all day text like cooking recipies or typical sayings.......etc.

  • the journey is planned from the 12. - 17. September 2005
  • rehearsals will be from Oktober to the 10th of November 2005
  • premiere: 10th November 2005
  • at least 8 further shows in Linz and there are also shows planned in the Czech Republic
  • the actress should be able to speak german ( at least a little bit so that she can speak a german text on stage ) and for sure english for communication.

For further information and for application - here is my email adress and tel:

my tel: 0043/676/9442 441

Further information about the theaterachse:


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