Proculture: výzkumné, informační a vzdělávací centrum pro umění a kulturu
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Culture Action Europe

ProCulture je členem Culture Action Europe

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Archiv Národní knihovny

ProCulture je součástí Archivu Národní knihovny

Creative Cities
Konference EU
Future City Jobs
Koncepce umění
Future City Game
Symposium Ostrava
Domů English



Research, Information and Education Center for Arts and Culture

The main objective of ProCulture is to transform the role of culture and attitude towards it in the Czech Republic via building pro-active cultural policy. ProCulture concentrates on providing external assistance for culture institutions, including research and analysis, documentation and monitoring, consultations and educational activities. The policy held by ProCulture is that healthy cultural sphere is vital for the development of the civil society.

ProCulture was established in 2003 as a center focused on research, information and education in the field of arts and culture.

ProCulture provides opinion and decision makers in Czech Republic with information and analysis from the cultural sector. ProCulture also provides Czech cultural institutions and organizations with relevant information and services, which help them to strengthen their capacity and professionalism and gain sustainability.

The policy held by ProCulture is that healthy cultural sphere is vital for the development of civil society:
- culture encourages creativity and innovations
- connect communities
- contribute to the public life and realm.
ProCulture also takes into consideration that culture industry is dynamically growing global force changing world around us.

It is based in Prague, Czech Republic as a program of nongovernmental and non-for profit organization Otevřená společnost supporting the consolidation of civil society in the Czech Republic by pursuing principles and promoting policies based on culture of law and legal state, on democratic form of administration as well as on human rights principles.

•Council of Czech Artists
•Ministry of Culture
•Arts Institute - Theatre Institute Prague
•British Council Prague
•Academy of the Performing Arts
•Academy of Applied Arts Prague
•Prague City Council

Activities are supported by:

•Ministry of Culture
•US Embassy in CR
•European Social Fund
•Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
•Open Society Fund Prague
•Via Foundation

ProCulture is a member of Culture Action Europe (formerly EFAH).



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   ISSN 1214-8369
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