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CHINCHORRO - hledá partnery pro spolupráci

Rakouská Chinchorro Organization hledá partnery pro mezinárodní síťový projekt, který je otevřen všem těm, kdo se zajímají o témata Čemu věříš? a nebo V jakém světě to žijeme?, přičemž používají umění a kreativitu  jako nástroj svého vyjadřování, myšlení, víry, ideí, snů a obav.  Tato globální výměnná platforma je určena všem umělcům. V současnosti zahrnuje účastníky ze 30 zemí, kteří aktivně na projektu pracují, takže kulturní různorodost je tak velká jako množství jazyků, tradic a očekávání. 

I want to tell you about a nice networking project which is already approved by the Austrian National gency. Your participation is of course free and very easy and not time consuming at all. You just have to be interested in culture, arts and history and able to express your personal oppinion to our topics (What do you believe in? What a crazy world we are living in!?) by writing a short ssay or poem, drawing or painting a picture, making topic-related photographs etc. Further you can share your oppinions and ideas in our interactive forum. The product is really in the planning-process already and will come out as a nice book+cd which is going to be distributed globally!!! The most of you are the first representants of your country hich is very good :) And if you are not interested or able to participate
please spread this information!!!

To make the process of participation clear, we already have the needed sources (financial, technical etc.) and just need to widen the amount of participants (quantitative) and countries (delegations), so we really look forward that YOU are going to join our nice community with a lot of interested and MOTIVATED people. What is it about - THE TOPIC: "What do you believe in!?" as well as "What a crazy world we´re livin´in!?" What do we expect from you - YOUR TO DO´s: We expect your full commitment in the project, which means that you take time (at least once a fortnight) to think of the theme and to contribute in the FORUM (post topic and reply to messages) and CHAT (going to fixed Chat Sessions twice every month) and UPLOAD your creative art work (drawings/paintings, lyric/prose/poetry/short stories or essays, photography, music, video clips etc.) and to visit the website frequently (to stay updated with our funcions NEWS and CALENDAR) as well as to SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CHINCHORRO NEWSLETTER as well!!! How you can participate: This is very simple, just write an e-mail with the following contents fullfilled: your NAME, NICKNAME, E-MAIL, ART INTEREST, MOTTO (favourite quotation) AND your PHOTO (please in .jpg or .bmp formats only) to and then you get full access to all the tools by your own USER LOGIN! IMPORTANT: The creative work phase started February 1st and will end after 6 month. In this period you have to be active, motivated and creative to upload a lot of good art stuff as all UPLOADED documents are being VOTED by all users which means that the BEST art work enters the beautiful and exclusive art catalogue (BOOK-CD) which will be published and distributed globally. If you have any questions please don´t hesitate to ask us ( ) We await your e-mail with the will for active participation or your critics/ideas! Chinchorro Staff PS: We urgently look for PARTNERS from HUNGARY, SLOWENIA, SLOWAKIA and CZECH REPUBLIK - if you have any contacts to NGO´s in these countries, please tell them about us - forward this information please! thanks.

Western Austria - EUROPE


hotline: +43 699 10121065

(22.02.2005) ZDROJ: Multikulturní centrum
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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