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Interkunst hledá umělce

Berlínská nezisková organizace Interkunst hledá mladé umělce z různých zemí, kultur a oborů pro projekt Instant Acts, který je zaměřen proti násilí a rasismu. Projekt je plánován na září/říjnu 2005. Formy uměleckého výrazu jsou volné, očekáváni jsou kreativní lidé s otevřeností pro nové zkušenosti.

We are an organisation from Germany (Berlin) called Interkunst e.V. We are organising the project "INSTANT ACTS against violence and racism" 

At the moment we are collecting young international artists for the tour in September 2005. Every time our group is a mixture of young artists who are coming from different countries and cultures as well as the stage disciplines.

We are looking for the people who are creative and open for new experiences. In their short performance tradition and culture should meet with the modern point of view concerning the violence and racism. The form of artistic expression is free.

Knowing your activity and experience we want to ask if you would be ready to cooperate putting us in touch with suitable artists. More information is enclosed. Please don’t hesitate to ask us about details. I hope to hear something from you soon.

With greetings,

Arkadiusz Zietek

Interkunst e.V
Postfach 62 03 62
10793 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 781 40 01
Fax: +49 30 788 18 62

Interkunst e.V. is looking for young international artists, preferably groups of 2 to 3 persons (age between 16 and 26) in the field of theatre, dance, music, circus for the tour-project "INSTANT ACTS against violence and racism" in September/October 2005.

We want to create a group which is a mixture of creative people, opened for knew experiences who are coming from different traditions and cultural backgrounds. In our project different types of art meet together to present different faces of violence and racism.

We go into schools, theatres, churches, youth-, sport- or cultural-centres, and jails; in all these places we meet young people. The invited artists from all over the world create professional acts, based on their personal experiences and ideas. The work on new acts will be done by improvisation and rehearsals, coordinated by a theatre director. Before the show, during the day, we have workshops, meetings, rehearsals, training, etc. with the local youth, for example theatre, dance, rap, music, drumming, etc. Some elements of these meetings will be integrated into the show on the same day. Each person invited for the project gets lodging, catering, transport, and a salary.

The international youth theatre project "INSTANT ACTS against Violence and Racism" gets public support by municipalities, districts and ministries of the federal states of Germany, since 2002 also by German governmental program “entimon”. The project has been already carried out in more then 400 cities and villages in Germany and other countries of Europe.

The application of you or your group should be sent by E-mail. On maximum one page following information must be included:

  1. personal data: name, date of birth, nationality, picture (if it’s possible)
  2. your artistic activity and experiences
  3. motivation to take part in this project
  4. an outline of your idea for ten minutes scene concerning the subject (it can involve more people). Additionally you can sent a video with your idea
  5. description of your capability to lead a workshop


INTERKUNST e.V. is a registered non-profit association based in Berlin. It was founded on 1990. Activities are concentrated on the realization of multi-cultural projects, innovative forms of encounter and interdisciplinary forms of theatre and art. The association is in particular representing their European approaches by creating integrative projects for artists from different disciplines and of different nationalities. A main focus of the theatre work lies in the area of cultural preventive measures, which is realized by creating educational cultural concepts and programs. Here, methods are developed in order to achieve a maximum involvement and activity of the audience.

Berlin 01 .03. 2005


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