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Pozice profesora/ky průmyslového designu na School of Arts and Design v Chicagu

University of Illinois v Chicagu, School of Arts and Design hledá kandidáta/kandidátku na plný úvazek na pozici profesor/ka průmyslového designu, který/á by se plně zúčastňoval/a výukových i výzkumných aktivit a stal/a se jednou z vůdčích osobností rozrůstající se katedry průmyslového designu. Pozice je otevřena od 9. srpna 2009.

Full-Time Tenure-Track Associate/Assistant Professor in Industrial Design

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) is a leading public research institution located in one of the world's great cities. The School of Art and Design seeks outstanding candidates engaged in education, professional practice, and creative/academic research in consideration of a leadership role in our growing industrial design department, with an appointment beginning in August 2009.

Ideal candidates will have an exceptional professional/academic background, interest in shaping the program's research/educational vision, and strong technical skills. In addition, candidates should have an interest in interdisciplinary approaches to teaching and research. Responsibilities will include significant involvement in the UIC Innovation Center; a new collaborative education and research space that focuses on cross-functional new product development with industry partners. Other responsibilities include undergraduate, and graduate studio courses, a role in curriculum development, committee service and student advising.

MID, MA, MFA, MDES, or equivalent required. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications. College level teaching experience required.

Complete applications must include:
a letter of intent
curriculum vitae
names of three references (include email and phone)
documentation of applicant's own and students' work sent in one PDF file on CD (include
a list of project descriptions with indication of applicant's role in collaborative projects)

Send applications to:

Stephanie Munson Tharp
Chair, Industrial Design Search Committee
University of Illinois at Chicago
School of Art and Design (M/C 036)
106 Jefferson Hall
929 West Harrison Street
Chicago IL 60607-7038

Screening of applications will begin January 10, 2009 and continue until the position is filled.
The University of Illinois at Chicago is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
(17.12.2008) ZDROJ: University of Chicago

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