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Živoucí Kodaň: výzva k účasti na výzkumu

Kodaň, Dánsko Projekt Živoucí Kodaň /Living Copenhagen/ je otevřen lidem, kteří mají zájem a schopnost kritického pohledu na téma utváření vztahů mezi člověkem a místem, kde žije. Pořadatelem Živoucí Kodaně je americká organizace  School of Critical Engagement a město Kodaň a paltformou nezávislých umělců Wooloo. Projekt startuje v lednu 2012 a potrvá šestnáct týdnů. Během nich proběhne například testování metod "public practice", etnografický výzkum a intervence ve veřejném prostoru. Organizátoři vyzývají studenty/studentky umění, tvůrčí profesionály/ky, ale také profesionály sociologie, ekonomie, antropologie či kulturní geografie  k účasti na výzkumu zjišťujícím, co to znamená stát se součástí místa, jako prostoru, kde žijeme. Uzávěrka přihlášek do projektu je 15. října 2011.
Living Copenhagen
Open to people that have a critical interest in the interaction between humans and the spaces they occupy
In January of 2012, the School of Critical Engagement, in partnership with the city of Copenhagen and Wooloo, will launch it's next phase of research and engagement through a sixteen week project, testing out methods of public practice, ethnographic research, and semi-permanent public space interventions. SoCE is inviting credit seeking students and working professionals to explore what it means to engage a place.

Participants will be hosted in different and diverse living situations, explore and test experimental practices, from the inside out, that transcend the traditional silos of architecture, landscape architecture, public art, urban design and planning etc., that are developed out of concrete situations and processes instead of preconceived professional and disciplinary constructs, that engage actual realities – even the messy ones - instead of preconceived notions. It is only through such approaches that spatial design and planning disciplines and public art can engage the 'public' one again, and regain their social and cultural relevance.) and work in collaboration with the community and Copenhagen-based art and design practices to create a body of work that will be presented to the city as possible realized projects in the city.

Our semi-permanent public space installations will be left intact throughout the summer of 2012 to provide opportunities for observation and data collection that will inform the next phases of the project continuing in the autumn of 2012.

Living Copengahen is open to graduate and post-graduate level students and practitioners in art, architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, planning, film, sociology, economics, community developers, anthropology, cultural geography - to people that have a critical interest in the interaction between humans and the spaces they occupy.

Deadline: 15/10/11
School of Critical Engagement
1801 West Larchmont Ave. Suite 313.
60613 Chicago, IL
tel: +45.3696.7482

(30.09.2011) ZDROJ:

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