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13th International SALZBURG SUMMER ACADEMY for Arts Management (ISAC)

Salzburg, Rakousko
Dvoutýdenní kurz kulturního managementu určený pro mladé manažery z celého světa, kteří pracují v oblasti umění, kultury nebo medií na národní či mezinárodní úrovni, připraví na nové úkoly a trendy projektového managementu, marketingu, finančního managenentu, fundrisingu a networkingu. Termín k přihlášení je 30.dubna 2004.


July 19th - 31st 2004

ICCM Kolleg, Salzburg, Austria

The two week cultural management course is addressed to young leaders and project managers from all over the world working in the arts, culture or media fields on national and international levels. The ISAC prepares young project leaders for new tasks and trends in project management, marketing, financial management, fundraising and networking.

The ISAC is the only place in the world where an international experts team from the most reputable arts management organisations and trainings centres consisting of François Colbert (HEC Montréal), J. Dennis Rich (Columbia College Chicago), Dan J. Martin (Carnegie Mellon University Philadelphia), Ugo Bacchella (Fitzcarraldo Foundation, Torino) and Herwig Pöschl (ICCM) will assist and consult in developing participants projects.

Since 12 years over 200 young professionals worldwide have participated in the Summer Academy, fostering cultural exchange and creating a bridge between arts managers of different political, economic and cultural backgrounds.

Participation requirements
People wishing to participate in the 2004 Summer Academy submit an application and a detailed concept of a project related to the fields of festivals, cultural centres, film/video/new media, music/music theatre, theatre/opera/dance, graphic arts or arts education.

A maximum of 30 professionals will be selected for an active participation in the course.

Course language: English
Participation Fee: EURO 2.500,- (advance payment: 400,-)

The amount includes course fee, accommodation (single rooms) and catering for the whole duration of the course, round tables with artists from the Salzburg Festival and tickets for performances at Salzburg Festival, opening grill party, Salzburg bus ticket for 2 weeks

Application online:

Application deadline: April 30th, 2004

Wolfgang Laubichler
ICCM International Center for Culture and Management
Gyllenstormstrasse 8 5026 Salzburg
Tel: +43.662.459841-10
Fax: +43.662.459838

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