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Artists Unlimited: Umělecké rezidence 2013

Obrázek k článku Artists Unlimited: Umělecké rezidence 2013
Bielefeld, Německo Artists Unlimited, sdružení umělců a umělkyň, které provozuje v prostorách staré papírny severoněmeckého Bielefeldu zázemí pro ubytování a práci umělců a umělkyň. Artists Unlimited funguje již dvacetsedm let, a to od roku 1985. Jeho rpovoz je cele hrazen prostřednictvím členských přispěvků, přičemž veškeré společné činnosti probíhají na dobrovolné bázi. Artists Unlimited nabízí tříměsíční stipendium, jímž doposud prošlo přes 70 tvůrců z celého světa. V průběhu rezidenčního pobytu má umělec či umělkyně k dispozici čtyřicetimetrový ateliér a třicetimetrový byt s kuchyní, pračkou a telefonem. K tomu měsíční grant 550 Euro. Cestovní náklady nejsou pokryty. Každý z rezidentů musí uspořádat výstavu v galerii Artist Unlimited. Uzávěrka pro příjem přihlášek na rok 2013 je 1. října 2012.
Artists Residency
Residency for 3 months
One of the founding ideas of Artists Unlimited was to integrate a guest studio into the house. A space in which an international artist could live and work for 3 months. We have had over 70 guests from around the world staying in the house.

The rooms for the guest artists are made up of a studio (40 m2) and an appartment (32 m2) with kitchen, washing machine and telephone. The house pays a grant of 550 Euro a month. We do not pay for travelling expenses. One of the conditions of the residency is that every guest artist makes an exhibition in the Artists Unlimited gallery.


For the guest artist scholarships 2013, we will accept applications between the 1st of September and the 1st of October of 2012. We won’t be able to send out confirmations for applications that reached us successfully. We can only return the applications if a fully prepared envelope (adress & postage) is included. The application can be sent to us physically or digitally and must include the following:

Printed application

- Curriculum Vitae (CV), list of exhibitions
- Short description about the project that should be realized within the duration of the scholarship in Bielefeld
- Up to ten DIN-A4 prints (20×30cm) or CDs/DVDs of your artworks (photography, paintings, drawings…) – complete with information about titles, techniques, dimensions and the date of creation for each work.

Email application (PDF portfolio)

- Curriculum Vitae (CV), list of exhibitions
- Short description about the project that should be realized within the duration of the scholarship in Bielefeld
- Up to ten images of your artworks (photography, paintings, drawings…) – complete with information about titles, techniques, dimensions and the date of creation for each work.

Applications that do not meet the conditions listed above (or will arrive after the 1st of October 2012) will be excluded from the application process.
Artists Unlimited will inform applicants about the results in November 2012.
More information at:
Deadline: 01/10/12

Artists Unlimited
August-Bebel-Str. 94
33602 Bielefeld
(22.03.2012) ZDROJ:
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