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Galerie Cubitt: Stipendium pro kurátory/ky

Londýn, Velká Británie Kurátorské stipendium v londýnské galerii Cubitt je příležitostí stát se kurátorem/kurátorkou jednoho z nejzavedenějších prostorů ve Velké Británii, který je provozován uměleckou komunitou. Ten, kdo se stane stipendistou/kou bude mít  pod odbu 18 měsíců na starosti rozvoj výstav a také programové náplně galerie Cubitt. Ta si vybudovala velice silnou pozici v oblasti novátorské a netradičního kurátorského přístupu. Galerie Cubitt  uváděl v posledních dvaceti letech na scénu začínající či neznámé umělce a umělkyně, které představoval rozmanitému publiku a byl tak důležitou pltaformou pro uměleckou obec jak v Londýně tak také v zahraničí. Stipendista/ka obdrží sumu 12 000 liber na období 18 ti měsíců. Uzávěrka pro předkládání přihlášek je 29. února 2012.
Cubitt Gallery and Studios
The Curatorial Bursary
Call for application

The Curatorial Bursary at Cubitt is an exciting opportunity to curate one of the UK´s most established artist-run spaces. The bursary holder will develop an exhibitions and events programme at Cubitt Gallery across a fixed period of 18 months, building on our strong reputation for innovative and challenging curating. For the last two decades, Cubitt has introduced emerging or overlooked artistic talent to a diverse audience and provided an important platform for artists working in London, the UK and abroad.


The bursary begins with a three month research period, during which the succesful applicant will develop their programme in conversation with the Cubitt Gallery Committee and the Gallery Manager. Following the research period, the Curator will work closely with the Gallery Manager to deliver the programme, meeting regularly with the Gallery Committee and also attending the quarterly meetings of the Cubitt Board of Trustees. The Gallery Committee is drawn from the membership of Cubitt Artists. Please note that studio holders at Cubitt are not permitted to show their work in the gallery.

- To develop and implement a complete gallery programme across an 18 month period comprising solo and group exhibitions, talks and events, web projects, publications and associated activities as appropriate.
- To work with artists, galleries, institutions and designers to ensure that exhibitions are delivered on time, on budget and to a high standard.
- To develop and adhere to budgets for each activity in collaboration with the Gallery Manager.
- To work closely with the Gallery Manager on all aspects of exhibition administration.
- To understand and implement the organisation´s equal opportunities and cultural diversity policies at all times.


- To research and secure funding for all programmed exhibitions and projects, in collaboration with the Gallery Manager and with support from the Gallery Committee and trustees as appropriate.

- To contribute to Cubitt´s established relationships with funding bodies (including Arts Council England, Outset Contemporary Art Fund and Islington Council).


-To promote the gallery programme  at national and international levels and raise awareness of Cubitt´s position within an established network of independent exhibition spaces.

-To write press releases and other publicity material to a high standard to strict deadlines.


The value of the bursary is Ł12,000 for the 18-month period, paid in six quarterly installments.

Further Information and application:
Deadline: 29/02/12 - 5 pm
Gallery and Studios
8 Angel Mews
N1 9HH London
tel: +44 (0)20 7278 8226
fax: +44 (0)20 7278 2544
(19.02.2012) ZDROJ:
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