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Kunsthalle Exnergasse Vídeň výstavní projekty na rok 2013

Vídeň Rakousko, Kunsthalle Exnergasse vyzývá k předkládání výstavních projektů pro rok 2013.  V dvoukolovém výběrovém řízení vybere poradní sbor 20 výstavních konceptů, které budou vyzvány k podrobnějšímu rozpracování, na základě něhož vyberou členové poradního sboru  finální řadu výstavních projektů pro rok 2013.  Uzávěrka pro předložení výstavních konceptů je 1. března 2012.

Call for Proposals 2013
Corresponding exhibition programmes are decided in a 2-step application and review process upon by an advisory board.


The application and review process consists of 2 steps:

STEP 1 = Open Call for exhibition proposals

Submitted proposals are limited to a text length of 4.500 characters (including blanks) maximum and should emphasize and explain the idea behind your exhibition concept.
Furthermore we kindly ask you to visualize your project proposal or idea by producing/designing one exemplary image (photo, sketch, collage, etc.) of approx. 20x30 cm size that´s to be uploaded as PDF-file.
To evaluate the proposals we also ask for short CVs of the person/s submitting the project (800 characters including blanks maximum) as well as of the proposed artists and participants in the project (1.200 characters including blanks maximum). Give us the most information you can, but since there is a word limit and a limited image area, try to be brief and concise in your descriptions and arguments. Note: do not send catalogues, DVDs, brochures or folders. These extra materials will not be considered.

The advisory board will review the applications and pre-select a short list of up to 20 project proposals for step 2.
Through your own user account you can edit your application. Once you have submitted the application, you will not be able to make any changes, or resubmit. Incomplete application forms will not be considered. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your successful submission.


These pre-selected projects will be invited to submit a more developed proposal including additional information on the artists and their works. Kunsthalle Exnergasse and an advisory board will then make the final selection of projects. The selected projects will be presented at Kunsthalle Exnergasse in 2013. All projects in step 2 will be informed about the results via email.
Deadline: 01/03/12


Kunsthalle Exnergasse
Währingerstraße 59
A-1090 Vienna
tel: +43-1-401 2141 or 401 2142
fax: +43-1-401 2167


(19.02.2012) ZDROJ:
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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