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Royal Academy of Arts: Summer Exhibition 2012

Londýn, Velká Británie Britská Královská Akademie již tradičně pořádá  tzv. Summer Exhibition, prodejní výstavu, jejímiž kurátory jsou členové a členky Královské Akademie z řad aktivních umělců a architeků. Členové/ky komise jsou v pravidelných intervalech obměňováni. Mezi členkami výběrové komise najdeme pro rok 2012 i českou architektku Evu Jiřičnou.  Z více než dvanácti tisíc přihlášených prací je každoročně vybráno 100 autorů a autorek, kteří  doposud  na Summer Exhibition nevystavovali. V průběhu tří měsíců navštíví Summer Exhibition 200 000 lidí. Celkem 9 cen v hodnotě 60 000 liber se rozdělí mezi vystavující tvůrce. Každý umělec a umělkyně mohou předložit maximálně dvě díla. Uzávěrka pro předkládání děl do Summer Exhibition 2012 je 13. března 2012.  
Following long Academy tradition, the exhibition is curated by an annually rotating committee of Royal Academicians who are all practicing artists and architects. Any artist may enter work for selection - over 12,000 works are submitted for consideration every year and around 1200 are exhibited. The Academy works hard to encourage a diverse range of artists to enter and, as a result, well over 100 artists are included every year who have not previously exhibited in the Summer Exhibition.

The show provides an unrivalled opportunity for exhibitors to sell their work and have it seen by the 200,000 visitors that the exhibition draws during its three-month run; all artists are strongly encouraged to enter work that is available for sale. The Academy is unique among major international art institutions in that it is governed by eminent artists and architects, and receives no government funding. The commission on sales supports its diverse programme of exhibitions and the Royal Academy Schools.

A total of over L60,000 is awarded for works in the Summer Exhibition; awards include The Royal Academy of Arts Charles Wollaston Award (L25,000) for the most distinguished work in the exhibition, The Jack Goldhill Award for Sculpture (L10,000) for a sculpture, The Sunny Dupree Family Award for a Woman Artist (L3,500) for the best painting or sculpture by a woman artist, The Hugh Casson Drawing Prize (L3000) for an original work on paper in any medium, where the emphasis is clearly on drawing, The London Original Print Fair Prize (L2000) for a print in any medium, The Rose Award for Photography (L1000) for a photograph or series of photographs, Lend Lease/Architects’ Journal Awards (L15,000) comprising at L10,000 Grand Award for architecture and L5000 for the best work by a first-time exhibitor in the Summer Exhibition.

An artist may submit a maximum of two works, for a handling charge of L25.00 per entry (which is non-refundable and includes VAT).

Entry Forms can be purchased online until Friday 9 March 2012 (for artists outside the UK, please refer to the FAQs).
Deadline: 13/03/12
Royal Academy of Arts
Burlington House, Piccadilly
W1J 0BD London
(27.02.2012) ZDROJ:
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