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Umělci z Nového Mexika - Djalma Primordial Science

Umělci z Nového Mexika (USA) se chystají do Evropy a rádi by nalezli prostor pro prezentaci své práce, připadně festival, na kterém by se mohli představit. Zájem mají také o vedení dílen Butoh.

Greetings from New Mexico,
We are seeking venues for performance for a European tour in April/May of 2004. Our project is Djalma Primordial Science, detailed information at

Our group is two butoh dancers (Ephia--formerly of Anzu Furukawa's Co. and Mari Akita) and myself, Jeff Gburek (my solo CD from Nur Nicht Nur comes out in autumn) using prepared guitar, electronics and musique concrete where I use sounds of insects & natural environments/objects for their indiv idual beauty, rythym, eloquence & power.

Our work is based on what the Japanese call saba, or rust, the age of things revealed through careful unfolding of latent energies in sound and bodily mo vements. It can be austere and explosive, etherial and existential. For part of the tour we work with Kyle Bruckmann, oboist from Chicago and we also wan t very much to continue our collaboration with Keith Rowe, guitar innovator and key figure of AMM.

We are interested in all interactive cultural exchanges (performances,interviews, forums) and also teach workshops in our many-sided approach to butoh. I would like to send you materials of CD and video if you would recieve them and make a more formal project proposal, especially if there is a festival we might fit into. Tell us more about size of performing spaces and technical details regarding the spaces. I look forward to your reply.

Thank you very much for reading this email! Regards, Jeff Gburek

gburek interview:

Jeff Gburek/Ephia
Djalma Primordial Science
315 10th St. NW, Apt.3
Albuquerque, New Mexico
87102, USA


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