Proculture: výzkumné, informační a vzdělávací centrum pro umění a kulturu
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Archiv Národní knihovny

ProCulture je součástí Archivu Národní knihovny

Future City Jobs
Symposium Ostrava
Creative Cities
Konference EU
Future City Game
Koncepce umění
Domů EnglishProjects


Creative Cities - project in partnership with British Council

Arts management – implementation of innovative courses into academic curricula

• Potential of Creative Industries in Czech Republic – long term research project

Survey on Czech Arts development – long term research project

1 % for the Culture - advocacy activity increase state budget allocation for culture – information tool with electronic archive for artists and cultural professionals offering comprehensive information on grants and study opportunities, cultural policy issues, etc



Culture as a part of structural development - advocacy for the NGO cultural sector and support in the process of planning EU Structural Funds 2007-2013

Survey on Labor Market in the Cultural Sector in the Czech Republic

Strategy of Efficient Support to Arts 2007-2013 – policy document for the Ministry of Culture adopted by Czech government in May 2006


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