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After Image Productions - Survive Style, soutěž krátkých filmů

Mladí věku mezi 18-30 ze zemí EU, jihovýchodní Evropy, Turecka a Kavkazska se mohou přihlásit na soutěž krátkých filmů Survive Style, upozorňující na rychle se proměňující evropskou společnost a potřebu prozkoumat různé životní a pracovní situace mladých lidí v různých regionech. Svoboda cestování nabízí množství mových perspektiv ale mobilita není vždy tím, co si občané sami vyberou. Jak může mobilita, cestování či migrace změnit lidi? Krátké filmy, dokumenty, animované a experimentální filmy do 10 minut zasílejte do 15. prosince 2006.

After Image Productions
Survive Style

call for short films

Young people between 18 and 30 years from the EU, South East Europe, Turkey and Caucasus countries


Step 1: Short Film Contest

Globalisation and migration have caused changes in the European landscape. While the multicultural perspectives play a dynamic role in the modelling of modern society, the boundaries are fortified.

„Survive Style“ means the challenge to live in our fast changing European society, and wants to explore the different living and working situations of young people in any region of Europe. The freedom of travelling offers a lot of new perspectives, but mobility is not always chosen by the citizens themselves. How does mobility/ travelling/migration transform people?

What are your feelings about the situation of young people in Europe, and about YOUR situation? How do you imagine YOUR future working situation? How is YOUR life affected by European mobility and migration?

Express your personal view by making a SHORT FILM on the topic: Survive Style - To be young in Europe – A risky business?

We welcome all different genres: short features, documentaries, animation and experimental films. All non-English-language entries must have English subtitles. Exceptions may be made for entries with little or no dialogue. Digital Formats: DVD, Mini DV – up to 10 minutes are accepted.

Step 2: European Youth Film Forum – March 12th - 18th 2007, Vienna

Among the submissions of Short Movies, 30 films are selected and the filmmakers are invited to participate at the European Youth Film Forum in Vienna and to present his/her short film. 80% of the Travel expenses and accommodation will be provided for the invited participants.

Workshops and lectures held by film professionals on film theory and practices, production and film analysis will be part of the meeting as well as a Film festival and a Symposium on Migrant Film Works. A jury will award the best short films.

After Image Productions

Kathi Posch
Goethegasse 1
A-1010 Vienna

(13.10.2006) ZDROJ: Artservis
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