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Domů PodporaCeny, soutěže

Agora Gallerie, New York pořádá již 23. ročník soutěže ve výtvarném umění

Ceny v hodnotě 38 000 USD budou rozděleny na výstavu v galerii Chelsea, peněžní ceny, prezentaci na internetu a v časopise ArtisSpectrum. Soutěž bude zahájena v únoru 2008 a mohou se jí zúčastnit výtvarní umělci starší osmnácti let ze všech oblastí výtvarného umění, kromě oblasti video artu, filmového umění a performing arts. Vstupní přihlášky k soutěži budou k dispozici od 7. 2. 2008. Uzávěrka soutěže je stanovena na 7. března 2008.

The 23rd Chelsea International Fine Art Competition

Agora Gallery has been the sponsor of The Chelsea International Fine Art Competition since its establishment in 1984. The competition is a renowned, juried, museum-curated, international art event; featuring awards, visibility, and participation in a group exhibition. Agora Gallery presents the juror selected artists to the New York art market through an exhibition, the Internet, and pro-active promotion.

The 2008 competition will be juried by Manon Slome, Chief Curator of the Chelsea Museum of Art.

As part of our ongoing commitment to “giving back to the community we live and work in”, Agora Gallery will be donating 25% of its proceeds of the sale of artwork from the competition exhibition to the non-profit organization - Art Start. Through its innovative programs, Art Start brings together art, artists and children in need throughout the Metropolitan Area.

The competition will open in February of 2008 to all visual artists 18 years or older working in any media with the exception of video art, film and performance art.

The exhibition will take place in Agora Gallery, Chelsea , New York City.

The submission form will be available February 7th.

(21.01.2008) ZDROJ: Agora Gallery
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