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Cena Henkel 2008 pro současnou kresbu

Henkel Střední Evropa ( Henkel CEE) vyhlašuje výroční cenu "Henkel Art Award", které se mohou zúčastnit výtvarníci z 29 zemí střední Evropy a střední Asie. Tento rok bude cena ve výši 7.000 EURO udělena umělcům  a umělkyním z oblasti současné kresby. Cena je administrována organizací KulturKontak Austria. Uzávěrka pro zasílání prací je 8. června, 2008.

Announcement: Henkel Art.Award. 2008 for Contemporary Drawing

The prize winner will be selected by an international jury, and receive a monetary award of EUR 7,000--.In addition, Henkel will provide support to organizing an exhibition of the prize winner in his or her homeland as well as an exhibition to be held in Vienna in November 2008, featuring the entries of all nominated finalists.

The application consists of the following materials:
- Curriculum vitae and artistic career (in English or in German; age limit: 40)
- 3 original unframed drawings (packed in a cardboard box or plastic roll)
- The maximum size is 120 cm x 85 cm (for an oversized drawing, one can send a developed   color photograph measuring 18 cm x 26 cm –   oversized drawings will not be accepted.)
- No screenprints or serigraphs (with the exception of monotypes)
- No photographic works
- No computer graphics (except those which have been adapted or finished with a computer     mouse or computer pen)
- All works of art must have originated after the year 2005
- Only artists from the following countries are eligible to participate: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan,Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Poland,Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

Henkel CEE can not assume any liability for any losses or damage to the works of art.

A national jury will convene to select the five best artists among the works of art submitted in each country. Subsequently, an international jury will select the five nominated finalists to receive the Henkel Art.Award.2008, one of whom will be chosen as the award winner.

he works of art created by the finalists will be shown to the public starting on November 18, 2008. The artists will also be asked to make additional works of art available for the exhibition. Transport costs of up to EUR 150,-- will be covered. The artists will not be paid for their participation in the exhibition held in Vienna (or an exhibition to be held in their homeland). The works of art submitted by the artists will be returned after the jury session or the end of the exhibition. There is no competition fee!

Entries for the Henkel Art.Award.2008 are to be sent by June 8, 2008 at the latest (date of postmark) to:

Henkel CEE – local Henkel office (list enclosed)

The complete text of announcement is downlodable here in pdf format

(25.01.2008) ZDROJ: KulturKontakt Austria

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