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Cena za výzkum v evropské kulturní politice

Brusel, Belgie Cena Evropské kulturní nadace, síťové organizace ENCACT a banky Riksbankens Jubileumsfond je určena pro mladé akademiky, výzkumníky a politiky do 35 let, kteří dosáhli titulu MgA. v oblasti společenských věd, veřejné správě či umění. Jejím cílem  je rozšířování základního a aplikovaného výzkumu v oblasti aktuálních témat evropské kulturní politiky. Úkolem ceny je též posílení kompetencí vědeckých pracovníků/pracovnic v oblasti komparativního výzkumu kulturní politiky. Mezi doporučená témata výzkumu patří; nadnárodní dimenze kulturní politiky; evropská kulturní politika na globálním poli; sociální rozměr kulturní politiky; hodnoty a etika v kulturní politice.  Výše ceny je 10. 000 Euro. Uzávěrka projektů je 7. května 2012.

Cultural Policy Research Award
call for applications

The Cultural Policy Research Award was launched in 2004 by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and since 2008, is developed in partnership with ENCATC.

Designed to foster academic and applied cultural policy research and to explore issues at stake in contemporary Europe, the Cultural Policy Research Award aims to contribute to new competence building among young scholars in comparative cultural policy research.

Through the CPRA annual competition, the program partners aim to encourage and enable cultural policy researchers to take a step from evaluative (descriptive) to comparative applied research that can inform policymaking and benefit practitioners active in the field. The Award is devoted to research projects which shed light on contemporary European cultural issues and challenges by analyzing them and offering policy solutions.

Since 2004, onwards of seven promising young researchers have won the Award which represents an important achievement for them in this discipline, and a key step in the production of new knowledge. By having more than 75 young researchers involved in the annual competition, the CPRA has widened the map of young cultural policy researchers in Europe, and raised their visibility and recognition.

Candidates (who must hold at least a M.A. level degree in social sciences, art & humanities, or public policy research, and must be no older than 35 at the time of applying) will be assessed according to their qualifications, the relevance and innovation behind their research project to cultural policy issues, and their vision of how policy recommendations could be implemented.

The CPRA represents a unique opportunity for young reserchers seeking to make a break into the research field and contribute to the production of new knowledge. In addition to providing the financial support needed to carry out the proposed research project, the award also helps young researchers in gaining visibility and recognition.

For the year 2012 applications must be submitted by the deadline Monday, 07 May 2012 through the online application form on the CPR Award website. Before applying, candidates are strongly advised to consult the website for advice on how to prepare their applications.

The six finalists which are selected amongst all the CPRA applicants will be invited to attend the Young Cultural Policy Researchers Forum (YCPR Forum). Funded by the ECF and Riksbanken, and developed in partnership with ENCATC, the 6th YCPR Forum (11-12 September 2012) will take place alongside the 20th ENCATC Annual Conference (12-14 September) in London and will provide young cultural researchers with the chance to come together face to face and discuss themes, ideas and methodologies of common interest with ENCATC members and major stakeholders.

More information at:

Deadline: 07/05/12

Elizabeth Darley
Place Flagey 18
B-1050  Bruxelles
tel: +32 2 201 29 12

(22.03.2012) ZDROJ:
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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