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Evropská cena za architekturu Philippe Rotthier

Brusel, Belgie
Cílem ceny, která je udělovaná Nadací Philippe Rotthier trienálně od roku 1982, tentokrát za rekonstrukce ukončené mezi roky 2002-2005 je ocenit díla, která se zabývají historií a podařilo se jim vytvořit dialog mezi generacemi. Bude udělena jedna či více cen v hodnotě 30 000 Euro.

The prizes will be awarded after careful examination of all the relevant materials: position, plans, cross-sections, elevations, building details, photographs, etc.

The entrants are required to show how their project fits into and enhances its environment. The submissions can include scale models and/or any form of audio-visual support.

The Philippe Rotthier European Prize will be awarded for the seventh time in October 2005. The prize is worth a total of 30,000 ?, given in one or more awards. To meet the criteria for entry in the competition works must have been completed (or be in the process of being completed) between 2002 and 2005.

They will be returned to candidates on request and at their own expense.

The prize aims to reward those works which hold hands with history, establishing a dialogue between the generations. It stands firmly opposed to the clean slate theory, artistic egocentricity or historical parody.

Set up in 1982 by the architect Philippe Rotthier, this triennial architectural prize is one of the rare prizes that rewards projects that consciously identify with the traditional concept of the town or city as seen through European eyes. The prize has a twofold objective : on the one hand, to draw attention to contemporary urban architectural work which is often ignored by critics and the specialised press and, on the other hand, to raise the expectations of the public, elected representatives and sponsors. The Fondation pour l'Architecture organises this prize and arranges exhibitions and publications devoted to the winning projects which are selected by a jury composed of European personalities from the world of art and architecture.

Previous prize winners: Manuel Manzano-Monis, Quinlan Terry (1982); Abdel-Wahed El Wakil, Jean-Pierre Errath, Manuel Iniguez & Alberto Ustarroz, Ernst Schirmacher, Pompeo Trisciuoglio (1987); Javier Cenicacelaya & Inigo Salona, Piotr Choynowski, Robert De Gernier, Demetri Porphyrios (1992); Jacques Leccia & Christian Parra, Guy Montharry, Pierre Sicard & Michel Authié, Daniel Staelens (1995); François Spoerry, Société Immobiliere de Mayotte, Carlo Bontempi (1998); Eusebio Leal Spengler (2002).

FONDATION POUR L'ARCHITECTURE 55 rue de l'Ermitage 1050 Bruxelles / Brussels Belgium
tel: 32.(0)2/642.24.80
fax: 32.(0)2/642.24.82

(16.12.2004) ZDROJ: Artservis
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