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Ibsenova cena pro novátorské projekty v oblasti divadla a performing arts

Skien, Norsko  Stipendijní cena Henrika Ibsena, iniciovaná norskou vládou, rozdělí mezi novátorské projekty z oblasti divadla a performing arts 130 000 Euro, tedy 1000 000 Norských korun. Cena je zaměřena na  existenciální a společensky orientovaná díla týkající se Henrika Ibsena a jeho tvorby. Stipendia mohou být udělena jak jednotlivcům
tak orgnizacím nebo institucím z uměleckého a kulturního společenství. Uzávěrka pro předkládání přihlášek je 30. dubna 2012.

Ibsen Awards
The International Ibsen Scholarships

For Ibsen-related projects worldwide

The Ibsen Scholarships will be handed out for the 5th time in 2012.

The Ibsen Scholarships award innovative projects in the field of drama and performing arts and projects that act as incentives for critical discourse in regards to existential and society-related subject matters concerning Henrik Ibsen and his plays.

Scholarship funds amount to 1,000,000 NOK (approx. 130.000 Euro/170.000 US Dollars) will be awarded projects worldwide.

Scholarships are applicable to individuals, organizations or institutions within the artistic and cultural community.

The Ibsen Scholarships are awarded annually and the applications are subject to scrutiny by an appointed jury.

The Ibsen Scholarships were initiated  by the Norwegian government and will be handed out for the 5th  time in 2012.

Ibsen Awards has till now handed out 15 scholarships to projects in 11 different countries.

The application deadline for The Ibsen Scholarships is April 30th, 2012.

The winners of The Ibsen Scholarships 2012 will be presented at Skien International Ibsen Conference on September 10th and 11th in Skien, Norway.

Deadline: 30/04/12

Ibsen Awards, Skien Municipality
Hilde Guri Bohlin
Postboks 158 Sentrum
3701 Skien
tel: +47 35 58 10 00/917 67 903


(03.04.2012) ZDROJ:

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