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Independent Television Service mezinárodní výzva producentům

Independent Television Service / nezávislý televizní servis zveřejnil mezinárodní výzvu producentům, kteří pracují mimo území Spojených států. Cílem je vytvořit dokumenty pro americkou televizi, které by američanům zprostředkovaly zkušenosti a perspektivy globálních sousedů. Termín k zaslání návrhů je 1. února 2008. Výzva je společnou iniciativou International Media  Development Fund v partnerství s William and Flora  Hewlett Foundation, Ford Foundation, a John D. and  Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Independent Television Service Announces International Call for Producers Outside United States
Deadline: February 1, 2008
The Independent Television Service's ( )  International Call enables independent producers from outside of  the United States to create documentaries for U.S. television.
The program is designed to enable storytellers from other countries to introduce U.S. audiences to their global neighbors, opening a window into unfamiliar lives, experiences, and perspectives. In addition to production funding and support, ITVS  International will premiere funded programs on U.S. public and  commercial television, engaging viewers and maximizing impact  through national promotion and educational outreach campaigns.

International Call is an initiative of the International Media  Development Fund in partnership with the William and Flora  Hewlett Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the John D. and  Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
International Call seeks programs that bring international perspectives, ideas, events, and people to U.S. television; content  that represents diverse communities and advances underrepresented  points of view; content that explores globally significant themes  and inspires public dialogue; single documentaries of standard  broadcast-hour length; programs that have already begun pro-  duction and can be realistically completed within one year of  contract; and co-production projects with either international  broadcast partner(s) or co-productions with producers from  different countries.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old. The primary applicant  must be a citizen of another country who does not reside in the  United States. Dual foreign/U.S. citizens are eligible if they do  not reside in the U.S. American citizens may only participate as  co-applicants in a true co-production relationship with a non-  U.S. primary applicant. Applicants must have previous film or television production experience in a principal role (producer,  co-producer, director, or co-director) as demonstrated by credits  on a sample tape of a previously completed work submitted with  the application.
Visit the ITVS Web site for complete program guidelines: 

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