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College Art Association: Cestovní granty pro umělce, umělkyně a další

New York, USA Výzva k předkládání přihlášek do programu cestovních grantů College Art Association, který, díky podpoře Getty Foundation, udělí dvacet cestovních grantů umělcům, umělkyním, kurátorům, kurátorkám či historikům a historičkám umění vyučujícím historii umění. Cestovní granty jsoui určeny na účast během výroční konference historie umění v New Yorku, která proběhne v roce 2013. Účastníci či účastnice musí být profesionálové žijící a pracující mimo Spojené Státy. Uzávěrka pro předkládání přihlášek je 15. srpna 2012.  
CAA International Travel Grant Program
About the Grant

The CAA International Travel Grant Program, generously supported by the Getty Foundation, provides funding to twenty art historians, museum curators, and artists who teach art history to attend the 101st Annual Conference, taking place February 13–16, 2013, in New York. The grant covers travel expenses, hotel accommodations, per diems, conference registrations, and one-year CAA memberships. For 2013, CAA will offer preconference meetings on February 11 and 12 for grant recipients to present and discuss their common professional interests and issues.

The goal of the program is to increase international participation in CAA and to diversify the organization’s membership (presently seventy-two countries are represented). CAA also wishes to familiarize international participants with the submission process for conference sessions and to expand their professional network in the visual arts. As they did last year, members of CAA’s International Committee and the National Committee for the History of Art have agreed to host the participants.
Are You Eligible?

Applicants must be practicing art historians who teach at a university or work as a curator in a museum, or artists who teach art history. They must have a good working knowledge of English and be available to participate in CAA events from February 11 to 17, 2013. Applicants must be able to obtain a travel visa to visit the United States for the duration of the conference. Professionals from developing countries or from nations underrepresented in CAA’s membership are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants do not need to be CAA members. This grant program is not open to graduate students or to those participating in the 2013 conference as chairs, speakers, or discussants.
How to Apply

Please review the application specifications and complete the application form. If you have questions about the process, please email Janet Landay, project director of the CAA International Travel Grant Program.

Applications should include:

    A completed application form
    A two-page version of the applicant’s CV
    A letter of recommendation from the chair, dean, or director of the applicant’s school, department, or museum

Please send all application materials as Word or PDF files to Janet Landay, project director of the CAA International Travel Grant Program.

All application materials must be received by Wednesday, August 15, 2012. CAA will notify applicants on Monday, October 1, 2012.
Janet Landay
Project Director CAA International Travel Grant Program
College Art Association 50 Broadway, 21st Floor New York, N.Y. 10004
Tel. 212 392-4420
Fax 212 627-2381
(04.06.2012) ZDROJ: Konference Akce CCA a College of Art
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