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The Institute for Interactive Journalism: podpora projektů žen

Washington, USA
J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism and the McCormick Foundation chtějí podpořit čtyři projekty vedené ženami z oblasti novinařství. Podpořeny budou individuální osoby, které mají originální nápad na vytvoření nových webových stránek, mobilních zpravodajských služeb a dalších podnikatelských iniciativ, které nabízejí interaktivní možnosti angažovanosti, inspirace a zkvalitnění zpráv a informací v geograficky určené komunitě či zájmovéí skupině. McCormick New Media Women Entrepreneurs program poskytne jednorázovou podporu ve výši $12,000 a to ženě, která má vizi, dovednosti a zkušenost na to, aby zahájila nový podnik. Podpořeny budou sólo nápady a nebo nápady týmu žen. Termín pro podání projektů je 4. dubna 2011.

Washington, USA
J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism
New Media Women Entrepreneur
seeking women-led projects that will rock the world of journalism
J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism and the McCormick Foundation are seeking to fund four women-led projects that will rock the world of journalism.

We will fund individuals who have original ideas to create new Web sites, mobile news services or other entrepreneurial initiatives that offer interactive opportunities to engage, inspire and improve news and information in a geographic community or a community of interest.

What is your juicy idea? What’s been stirring in your mind? What work do you feel compelled to do? How can you improve or redefine journalism? What new project would give people the information they need to make decisions or help make the world a better place? Whose voice isn’t being heard?

The McCormick New Media Women Entrepreneurs program will give one-time funding of $12,000 to women who have the vision, skills and experience to launch a new venture. These can be solo ideas or team projects spearheaded by women.


Funding is available for start-ups only.

1. Projects must launch (at least a live beta) within 10 months.
2. Projects must have a plan for continuing after initial funding has ended.
3. Projects must have journalistic value.
4. Projects may be independent or housed within traditional media.
5. Personal blogs or one-time documentaries will not be funded.
6. Awardees will receive funding through a subcontract if they are an individual or affiliated with a business; and through a grant if they are affiliated with a non-profit institution.

Strong applicants would:

1. Provide information to help people live their lives or make informed civic choices.
2. Adhere to principles of accuracy, truth and fairness.
3. Advance women in the news industry.
4. Show promise of being replicable or scalable.

Recipients must agree to post brief weekly blog updates to the Web site sharing their process and experience during the development stage. Recipients agree to participate and share lessons learned at a conference of new media women entrepreneurs in Spring 2011.

Deadline: April 4, 2011
J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism
ATTN: New Media Women
3201 New Mexico Ave. NW
DC 20016 Ste.330 Washington
tel: (202) 885-8100
fax: (202) 885-8110

(15.03.2011) ZDROJ: Artservis
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