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Nadace Roberta Cimetta: granty na podporu umělecké mobility

Paříž, Francie  Nadace Roberta Cimetta podporuje cestovní granty, jimiž pokrývá náklady spojené s cestovným, získáním víza, v případech, kdy cílem cesty jsou mezinárodní setkání profesionálních umělců/umělkyň, workshopy, umělecké rezidence, sympozia etc. Cestovní granty jsou určeny a vázány převážně na různé oblasti středomoří.V průběhu roku 2012 jsou uzávěrky pro celkem 3 kola žádostí a to, 31. března, 30. června a 30. září 2012.

Roberto Cimetta Fund
Artistic Mobility

cover travel and visa costs for trips such as attending professional cultural network meetings, workshops, artist’s residences, symposiums, etc.
The Fund will launch calls and organise selection committees in 2012 following the calendar here-below for three mobility funds : the RCF general fund, the RCF/Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône fund, and the RCF/Marseille-Provence 2013 fund.

As from March, the following dates have been fixed:

First call for applications: from 1st to 31st March 2012
Processing the applications, evaluating and selecting : April/May
Response to candidates: 1st June 2012

Second call for applications: from 1st to 30th June 2012
Processing the applications, evaluating and selecting : July/August
Response to candidates: 1st September 2012

Third call for applications: from 1st to 30th September 2012
Processing the applications, evaluating and selecting : October/November
Response to candidates : 1st December 2012

This system allows all travel after 1st March to end of the year to be eligible.

To apply for one of these calls, click "apply for a travel grant" and fill in the short questionnaire. If the information you provide corresponds to the eligibility criteria of one of the funds, then the appropriate application form will be sent to you. We no longer publish application forms online.
Deadline: variable

Roberto Cimetta Fund
c/o ONDA
13 bis rue Henri Monnier
75009 Paris
tel: 00 33 1 45 26 33 74


(09.03.2012) ZDROJ:

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