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Open Society Institute: Documentary Photography Distribution Grant

Podporu nových způsobů prezentace dokumentární fotografie nabízí Open Society Institute v rámci programu Documentary Photography Distribution Grant. Podpořeni budou fotografové, kteří navrhnou nové možnosti použití fotografie jako advokačního nástroje s cílem dosáhnout pozitivních společenských změn. Granty ve výši 5 000 - 30 000 USD jsou podmíněné spoluprácí fotografa s dalším subjektem (neziskovou či komunitní organizací), která se bude podílet nejen na zveřejnění fotografií ale i na celkovém cíli projektu. Termín podání projektů je 20. června 2008.  Podpora není určena na lobbystické aktivity.

Open Society Institute Seeks Proposals for Documentary  - Photography Distribution Grant
Deadline: June 20, 2008

The Open Society Institute Documentary Photography Project is  offering a grant to documentary photographers who have already  completed a significant body of work on issues of social justice  to collaborate with a partner organization and propose new ways  of using photography as a tool for positive social change.

 All photographers must have another entity (such as a nonprofit,  NGO, or community-based organization) that will work with the  photographer to design an innovative distribution strategy that  targets specific communities and advocates for social change.

 To be eligible for support, proposals must: present strong images  that are contextualized, when necessary, with text, sound, or  other media; address a current social justice issue (preference  will be given to work that coincides with the issues and geographical areas that concern OSI); and engage a specific audience, community, and/or site and use creative distribution  strategies that are tailored specifically for that context.
 Applicants must partner with an organization that will provide  administrative, programmatic, and financial and/or in-kind  support.

 Grants of $5,000 to $30,000 each will be awarded.

 For more information, please see the Distribution Grant  guidelines:

(11.03.2008) ZDROJ: OSI

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