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OSI: Documentary Photography Distribution Grant

Podporu nových způsobů prezentace dokumentární fotografie nabízí Open Society Institute v rámci programu Documentary Photography Distribution Grant. Podpořeni budou fotografové, kteří navrhnou nové možnosti použití fotografie jako advokačního nástroje s cílem dosáhnout pozitivních společenských změn. Granty ve výši 5.000 - 30.000 USD jsou podmíněné spoluprácí fotografa s dalším subjektem (neziskovou či komunitní organizací), která se bude podílet nejen na zveřejnění fotografií ale i na celkovém cíli projektu. Termín podání projektů je 6. července 2007. Podpora není určena na lobbystické aktivity.

Call for Proposals: Documentary Photography Distribution Grant
A Grant to Encourage New Ways of Presenting Documentary Photography to the Public

OSI's Documentary Photography Project seeks applicants for a grant that encourages documentary photographers to propose new ways of using photography as an advocacy tool. The grant enables photographers who have already completed a significant body of work on issues of social justice to collaborate with a partner organization and present the work to targeted audiences to stimulate positive social change.

All photographers must have another entity (such as a nonprofit or community-based organization) that agrees to collaborate with the photographer to present the work in innovative ways and to reach out to specific communities to advocate for social change. The partner must engage with the photographer to accomplish these goals—and not just fund or publish the project.

Grants of $5,000 to $30,000 will be awarded.


Complete online applications must be submitted no later than Friday, July 6, 2007, at 5:00 p.m. EST.

If you have any questions, please contact Whitney Johnson at

Další informace:

(15.06.2007) ZDROJ: OSI

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