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Pavilon Střední Asie na benátském bienále výzva kurátorům/kám

Hague, Nizozemí Hivos a Program Umění a Kultura Nadace Open Society Fund otevírají příjem projektů pro Pavilon Střední Asie, který se uskuteční jako součást 55 Mezinárodní Výstavy Bienále Benátky 2012. Program nabízí platformu, jejímž prostřednictvím je možné představit současnou společensky angažovanou uměleckou praxi z oblasti Střední Asie tedy Kazakhstanu, Kyrgyzstanu, Tajikistanu, a Uzbekistanu. Uzávěrka pro předkládání projektů je 1. června 2012.
Call for Proposals
Hivos and the Arts and Culture Program of the Open Society Foundations invite project proposals for the Central Asia Pavilion to be realized within the framework of the 55th International Art Exhibition—Venice Biennale 2013. Building upon the challenging exhibitions during the past three editions of the Venice Biennale, and in recognition of the complex transition period and dynamic developments of the field of contemporary art in the countries of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan), we offer a platform through which the energy of socially engaged contemporary artistic practices from the region can be presented and further developed within the international context of the next Venice Biennale.

We envision the Central Asia Pavilion as a critical and polemical undertaking that explores and strengthens the vibrant potential of contemporary art, society, theory and activism from Central Asia, and makes a significant contribution to the artistic, cultural, intellectual, social and civic imaginaries of the contemporary world. The aim of the pavilion is to stimulate and facilitate regional developments—both in terms of the individual practice of cultural practitioners and in exploring the possible role of art in the changing society—as well as to create a possibility to link these developments to the global contemporary art context.

Preference would be given to the proposals which, besides the Central Asia Pavilion in Venice, include a sustainable discursive project (or a series of projects) in the region of Central Asia before and after its materialization in the framework of the Venice Biennale, and which depart from and further explore the identity of the pavilion as a regional rather than a national pavilion—challenging the constraints of the national representations in the Venice Biennale—proposing an example of collectivity and solidarity for both art and politics instead. The project of the pavilion will be approached critically to ensure a balance between artistic visions and the need for political and/or  social representation.
Project Proposal Requirements


Project proposals may be submitted in English or Russian.


Curators and/or project organizers (preferably connected to an (art) organization or institution with production capacity to manage and realize the project), curatorial collectives, and/or art institutions are eligible to apply.

Applicants not connected to an (art) organization with production capacity to manage and realize the project, should name/appoint an institution which would be responsible for the logistic matters and the organization of the project.

The applicant must be familiar with the artistic, cultural and political context of Central Asia.

Project proposals must include:

    Curatorial vision for the project: concept, project/activities description, and plan for the implementation;   
    Vision of the additional/collateral events and activities in the region that accompany the project in Venice;
    Outline of the organizational and logistic framework; including the implementing local organization;
    Timetable for project development and realization;
    Budget outline (including the reasoning) and financial plan (including a draft of additional fundraising strategy);
    Curriculum vitae and/or profile of the individuals involved and/or of the collective or art institution submitting the proposal.

Please note that the negotiation regarding the rent of a suitable venue is under way, and will be taken care of by Hivos and the Open Society Foundations jointly; therefore applicants do not need to include the rent of the venue in the budget. The available space will be about 150-200 square meters, 3 meter high, and will have 5-7 rooms. Precise details and a floor plan shall be provided to the finalists upon notification that they should develop their proposals further.
Selection Procedure and Deadlines

The selection committee consists of representatives of Hivos (Tanja Vranic) and the Open Society Foundations (Maria Hlavajova) and a panel of experts from the region (Gulnara Kasmaileva, Muratbek Djumaliev, Oksana Shatalova, and Georgy Mamedov).

Applications should be submitted via email to the address below no later than June 1, 2012.

The selection committee will select a maximum of three proposals to be further elaborated in detail. Applicants will be notified at the latest by June 15, 2012.

Selected finalists will have two weeks to develop their proposals further. The deadline for submitting second-round detailed project proposals will be July 1, 2012. The final decision will be announced by July 15, 2012.
Deadline: 01/06/12
P.O. Box 85565
2508 CG The Hague
The Netherlands
tel: +31 (0)70 376 5500
fax: +31 (0)70 362 46 00
(02.05.2012) ZDROJ:
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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