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Rhizome Commissions 2011: výzva k předkládání projektů

New York, USA 
Prestižní nezisková organizace Rhizome, specializovaná na umění nových médií, rozdělí celkem deset grantů v rámci svého programu Rhizome Commissions věnovaného podpoře začínajících umělců a umělkyň. Osm grantových projektů bude vybráno komisí Rhizome ve složení Tina Kukelski, kurátorka Carnegie International 2012, Candice Madey, zakladatel galerie On Stellar Rays a Domenico Quaranta, spisovatel a historik médií. Dva granty určí hlasováním registrovaní členové komunity Rhizome. Podpora projektů se standardně pohybuje od 1 000 USD do 5 000 USD. Uzávěrka pro předkládání projektů je 1. května 2011.

Rhizome Commissions

Founded in 2001, the goal of the Rhizome Commissions Program is to support emerging artists by providing grants for the creation of significant works of new media art. By new media art, we mean projects that creatively engage new and networked technologies and works that reflect on the broader social and political impact of these tools and media in a variety of forms. Rhizome defines emerging artist as artists who exhibit great potential yet are not fully recognized within their field. Commissioned works can take the final form of web-based works, works that engage mobile platforms, performance, video, installation or sound art. Projects can be made for the context of the gallery, the public, the web or networked devices. Rhizome Commissions awards generally range from $1,000 to $5,000.

Now Accepting Proposals for 2011-2012 Commissions Cycle Commissions Cycle until Sunday May 01, 2011

Rhizome Commissions 2011: Call for Proposals

In this funding cycle, Rhizome will award ten grants: eight grants will be determined by a jury of experts in the field, and two will be determined by Rhizome’s membership through an open vote.

The commission awards will be determined by a jury consisting of Tina Kukelski, formerly of the Whitney Museum of American Art, currentlyone of the curators for the Carnegie International 2012; Candice Madey, founder of On Stellar Rays gallery, and Domenico Quaranta, writer and media art historian. Two awards will be determined by Rhizome’s membership through an open vote.

Please read all about eligibility, policy and procedures before applying!

Application Deadline: Sunday May 01, 2011

Submit a proposal

(22.04.2011) ZDROJ:
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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