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Culture Action Europe

ProCulture je členem Culture Action Europe

Logo Rady uměleckých obcí

ProCulture je sekretariátem Rady uměleckých obcí (RUO)

Archiv Národní knihovny

ProCulture je součástí Archivu Národní knihovny

Creative Cities
Symposium Ostrava
Future City Jobs
Future City Game
Konference EU
Koncepce umění
Domů PodporaStipendia, rezidence

Culturia nabízí prostory k práci a bydlení pro umělce, kreativní podnikatele i umělecká řemesla

Berlínská organizace Culturia nabízí prostory k práci a k bydlení pro umělce, kreativní podnikatele i umělecká řemesla k práci na nápadech a nových projektech v oblasti umění, kulturních průmyslů, sociální oblasti a uměleckých řemesel. Prostor je poskytován na dobu 3 - 6 ti měsíců. Ostatní životní a provozní náklady (elektřina, voda, plyn) si musí účastníci a účastnice hradit sami.
Work and living spaces
call for application
culturia provides the opportunity to discover Berlin and make it yours. We offer work and living spaces to "Non-Berliners" for a period between 3 to 6 months to realize projects, paying no rent but only additional expenses.

We offer the space to pursue your own ideas and projects:

* artistic (i.e. fine arts, exhibitions, studios, workshop, galleries etc.)
* social (i.e. projects for kids and young people etc.)
* creative business (i.e. design, film, photography, media, advertising, architecture)
* handicraft (i.e. sculpture, tailoring etc.)

The aim is to optimize contacts and communication between young and creative people. Therefore we organize meetings between participants, locate possibilities for new cooperation and help finding contacts in Berlin etc.

Additional costs
Instead of rent payments for using the flats and the working spaces the participants will have to pay the additional expenses (electricity, water, gas, heating etc.). These costs differ to the size of the place.

In general the costs for a space in our flat are 125 (single person) and aprox. 6,50 Euro per square meter per month for the working rooms.

The rooms are usually given to the participants for a period of 3 to 6 months.

Bond/ security
For both flats and working rooms a bond has to be paid (100 Euro each).

To cover our expenses we take a participation fee of 50 Euros.

When do I have to pay?
Usually the costs for the spaces have to be paid at the beginning of each month.

Josetti Höfe
Rungestraße 22-24
10179 Berlin
tel: +49 (30) 21464692
(08.09.2010) ZDROJ:

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