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Informační portál pro umělce směřující do Kanady

1. listopadu byl spuštěn provoz internetového portálu, jehož cílem je usnadnit výjezdy českých a slovenských umělců do Kanady, USA a Mexika. Smyslem celého projektu je zlepšit komunikaci mezi českými umělci a jejich agenty na jedné straně a krajanskými sdruženími a kulturními zařízeními v Severní Americe na straně druhé. Projekt má na starosti Lubomír J. Novotný a získal podporu českých institucí v ČR i v USA a Kanadě a rovněž sponzora v osobě významného kanadsko-českého průmyslníka Karla Velana. Pokud získá tato informační síť podporu krajanských komunit, mělo by se do Severní Ameriky dostat více českých umělců a ti, kteří tam již jezdí, by se mohli představit v místech, de zatím tuto monost nedostali.

Czech Events Network has established a new service to Czech community organizations in the US and Canada. Objectives are to decrease the cost of bringing in artists and groups from the Czech Republic and make available additional programming choices.

There are many musicians, theatre and dance groups, art exhibitions and films which are coming across the Atlantic to the US and Canada. However, they usually perform or exhibit in New York, Chicago, Washington and Los Angeles, or in Toronto and Montreal, but very seldom they venture to other cities. In addition, there are extremely talented artists back in the Czech Republic and Slovakia who would love to perform in North America.

Our task is to bring new artists, as well as to extend the performance stay of those who are already coming to the US and Canada, while saving on the cost of transatlantic flights by sharing their expenses.

The Czech Events Network is in the process to organize an information and co-ordination service about Czech artists’ availability for the Czech communities, clubs and institutions in North America. It will create a database of artists, their agents and related cultural institutions in the Czech Republic, as well as an internet based matchmaking system. In addition it will promote those activities on its specialized website

The first step is to obtain filled questionnaires from Czech community organizations in the US and Canada as to their needs for cultural activities. The questionnaires are being sent by E mail and regular mail. You could find the same questionnaire on the website, or you could print it out, fill it and fax to 416 929 3432 or send it by mail to our postal address 909 Bay Street, #1006, Toronto, ON M5S 3G2, Canada.

If successful, this project could enrich the life of the Czech community as well as other citizens in their home town and region. The person in charge of the development of this project is Lubomir J. Novotny.

(27.11.2007) ZDROJ: Kanadská mozaika
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