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Jan van Eycka Academy - roční a dvouleté stáže

Maastricht, Holandsko
Jan van Eyck Akademie vyzývá umělce, designéry a teoretiky k podání přihlášek na roční nebo dvouletou stáž začínající v lednu 2005. Termín uzávěrky přijímání přihlášek je 15.4. 2004.

Jan van Eyck Academie

Post–Academic Institute for Research and ProductionFine art, Design, Theory

The Jan van Eyck Academie invites artists, designers and theorists to apply for a one or two year research period starting in January 2005. Research proposals can be send in before April 15, 2004. See for application details

The Jan van Eyck Academie offers artists, designers and theorists time and space to set up research projects and realise productions. The objectives of researchers and advising researchers are of primary significance to the heterogeneous programme at the Jan van Eyck Academie. The programme covers everything that is being ‘done’ and ‘made’ by the researchers, advising researchers, guests and members of staff: lectures, seminars, workshops, presentations, studio visits, exhibitions,… All activities at the academy are brought together in the weekly programme. Interested people are welcome to attend these activities. An update of the weekly programme can be found at or you can subscribe to the mailing list at

The Jan van Eyck Academie facilitates an advisory framework for individual and collaborative projects. Internationally renowned artists, designers and theorists give artistic advice to the researchers and create conditions for an optimal realisation of research projects. The following advising researchers are active in the Jan van Eyck Academie: Orla Barry, Norman Bryson, Linda van Deursen, Paul Elliman, Marc De Kesel, Jouke Kleerebezem, Aglaia Konrad, Armand Mevis, Eva Meyer, John Murphy, Hinrich Sachs, Filiep Tacq, Wouter Vanstiphout, Daniël van der Velden and Annelys de Vet. Besides this advisory framework, researchers are offered a stipend, a production budget, a studio and the facilities of the technical workshops (materials, wood, graphics, photography, time-based media, computer), the library and the production bureau. For Dutch researchers the costs for living accommodation in Maastricht are compensated. Foreign researchers are offered assistance in finding additional financial means.

Jan van Eyck Academie
Academieplein 1
6211 KM Maastricht
T + 31 (0) 43 350 37 37

Zdroj: Kancelář Culture 2000


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