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Kamiyama rezidenční pobyt v oblasti visual arts

Obrázek k článku Kamiyama rezidenční pobyt v oblasti visual arts
Kamiyama, Japonsko Rezidenční pobyt na ostrově Shikoku pro tři umělce či umělkyně působící v oblasti malby, kresby, sochy, instalace nebo land artu. Rezidence není určena pro tvůrce z oblasti performing arts či produkční. Pobyt bude zahájen v srpnu a ukončen v listopadu 2010. Jednou z podmínek účasti je dobré zdraví rezidentů a znalost japonštiny či angličtiny. Ústředním motivem projektu KAIR, Kamiyana Artist in Residence, je rozvoj mezinárodního uměleckého střediska ve vesnici Kaiyama, ležící na východě japonského ostrova Shikoku. Uzávěrka po předložení žádosti je 1. března 2010.

Kamiyama Artist in Residence
Creating "Kamiyama International Cultural Village"
Creating "Kamiyama International Cultural Village" is the main purpose behind the KAIR Project. Our hope is that the artists will produce works full of originality, influenced by the experience of spending time amidst the timeless nature of Kamiyama, deep in the Japanese countryside, and inspiration from interacting with the friendly local people.

Period of Program
August 19 - November 7, 2010

Number of invited artists

3 artists

Application requirements
To apply for the program, applicant must:

- be involved with painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, land art and other art making. Grants are
not made in the disciplines of performance art or production art.

- be able to be independent and capable of working and living on one's own.

- be able to produce at least of one piece of art and give a presentation of works including display and withdrawal for oneself within the period.

- understand the purpose of one's visit to KAIR, and be able to present over 4/5 of period of our program in Kamiyama.

- be able to lead community life with other artists on the program and to communicate with local people including the exchange program.

- be able to speak and understand either English or Japanese daily conversation.

- be in good health

How to Apply:

Applicants are asked to write required documents in either Japanese or English.

Application guidelines

Application form

Application deadline: 01/03/10 (submission)
The Kamiyama Artist in Residence Committee
132 Jinryo Aza Nakazu, Kamiyama-cho Myozai-gun
771-3310  TOKUSHIMA
tel: +81-88-676-1177
fax: +81-88-676-1177,


(03.02.2010) ZDROJ:

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